Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Somewhere over the Rainbow.

Hi there, hope you are well.

I'm travelling home today so I'm somewhere over the Rainbow! Not sure I'm going to be a happy over fifty fashion blogger tomorrow!

How exciting to find something hidden away that you'd forgotten about?  Not that this happens very often but it did a couple of weeks ago.
Technically I'd not forgotten, but my eldest daughter had!
You see we'd been clearing out our garage to make room for some gym equipment.  SIL, me and two daughters cleared and sorted the various boxes and bags, with me having a trip down memory lane again looking through old photos, books and other knick-knacks that had been hoarded stored there.
Eventually my eldest daughter came across these Rainbow shoes, having worn them once she found them completely pristine in their box.  She didn't want them so I jumped on them straight away - I'd got designs on these rainbow shoes.

White jeans have worked so well in my dressing since I first wore them back in February.  Normally opting to wear them in the warmer months, when really they are best suited for cooler, dryer days.  (Who likes feeling hot and sticky with tight jeans on?) So if you feel like lifting your spirits in bleaker weather you'll be well advised to add a nice bright jumper and some rainbow shoes to bring some sunshine into your day and everyone else's along the way!
I chose a bright red chunky jumper to liven up my outfit,  to keep the rainbow theme going I added in my daughter's scarf at the last minute which complemented my shoes beautifully. Here's my seasonal appropriate outfit full of glorious colours to brighten the darkest of days.

Along with the shoes I also found this square vase that I'd forgotten I had!  Now I know this is just a vase, but I'd wanted a square vase ever since I saw a picture of a bunch of impressive roses sprouting from one.  So here's my impressive picture, I love it, hope you do too.

Photos were taken by my middle daughter Emily - many thanks my love. xx

Bye for today, I'll see you on Monday - can you believe it will be December.  Hopefully I'll have my
Christmas decorations up by then. 😃

Jeans from Next.
Jumper from H & M.
Shoes my eldest daughter.
Scarf from youngest daughter

Thanks for visiting today, hope to see you again.

Bye for now. X



  1. The daughter shares the good taste of her mother! Love the shoes! Enjoy flying over that rainbow! xx

    1. Awe thank you Laurie, they are very cute and I'm pleased with her 'find' x

  2. What a fabulous shoes! Wow! I hope you have a pleasant flight back. I think that vase is fantastic as I don't like round ones. Actually I don't like rounds! I have everything square. Yeah I know, I am a bit strange. Blame it on being Dutch!

    1. Many thanks Nancy, glad you agree - thanks for visiting today. x

  3. Oh what fun shoes, a great find! I love the bright outfit you've worn them with, that scarf really makes the outfit! :)

    Hope you are having a lovely week! I'm getting excited it will be December this weekend! We are going to put up our tree then.

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. Thanks for your kind comments Mica, hope you're well. x

  4. Jacqui you look sooo amazing! Wonderful scarf and heels :)
    XO Tina

    1. Tina, thanks so much for stopping over and leaving such lovely comments. x

  5. Those rainbow shoes are so fun! That scarf really looks perfect with them! It is exciting to find something that has been stowed away for awhile!


  6. What fun shoes and scarf! Love all the colors!
    Jeans and a Teacup

  7. Oh my goodness Jacqui, I too have designs on those rainbow shoes! How utterly fabulous are they? I think your styling is spot on with this too. Where would we be without our daughters and these lovely hand-me-downs?

    Have a good week!
    Anna x

    1. Aren't they super Anna, I didn't get a look in when she bought them, not I've had a good old steal! x

  8. Oh my gosh Jacqui, I had these same shoes but the kitten heel version. I loved them. I wish I still had mine. They are beautiful. Great look, love your jumper :) Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop.

    1. Very cute aren't they, looking forward to wearing them again soon, possibly in the Spring. x

  9. Love your outfit a lot, Jacqui. The rainbow shoes are gorgeous and really lift up the outfit. Sadly, I can't borrow any footwear from my girls as they have different shoes size to mine :(

    1. That's a shame for you, I'm lucky to have daughters that I can borrow from, although that does work both ways and I'm always finding my stuff in their rooms!!

  10. That scarf is so cozy! I love the colors and paired with the red totally works!

    1. Very cozy, and very stylish too. x Kind words many thanks.

  11. Jacqui, you used the word "glorious" which is so appropriate for this outfit, those shoes, your sweater, your scarf, and your white denim! All of it...GLORIOUS! You look fabulous and my spirits have been uplifted by this outfit. Now where do I find shoes like those?! Thanks for linking up with me! #SpreadTheKindness


    1. Yes that felt and looked like a positive uplifting outfit, I'm surprised how well it turned out, because I only grabbed the scarf at the last minute! x

  12. Now that's perfect to have these colorful shoes be the star of the show---and have a matching scarf!!
    I love it!

    1. Lucky girl I am to have daughters to borrow from, thanks for stopping by Jodie. x


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