Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Friday, 22 April 2016

Letter to me aged 41 from me aged 51..

Morning on this wonderful Friday...Are we all looking forward to the weekend? I bet if you're not working you are.  I've got a special weekend to look forward to, my eldest daughter has a birthday - therefore there will be lots of laughs, loudness, banter and merriment to the full.  Perfect. Attempting to make her a cake, but shss! Don't tell her.

Wouldn't it be great if you could have received a letter from your future self?
Here's the letter I would write to myself aged 41 from myself aged 51.

Dear Me - you are now aged 41...

God you are thin!, enjoy it go with it, don't stress that you are too fat! I want those arms now - sleek, toned and not blotchy.  Try and be a little more experimental, just a little, jump out of that box, try the fitted dress on, the skinny trousers, the tight jumper, they will look super on you and you'll be surprised at how slim they make you look.  Baggy does not make you look thin it makes you look way bigger!  Take time out for keeping fit - whatever you prefer but just do something.  Dancing, gym classes, running, netball - a hobby you'll enjoy doing and therefore you'll do it.
 Don't worry about your hair, it's perfect - the quality and feel of your hair is stunning, shiny glossy and lustrous.  Make the most of your skin and always, always use plenty of moisturiser and then some more, all over, and more, buy another bottle, and more! Please don't forget your neck.
Savour your family, your father, you mother - they might not always be around!  Make time for your partner, nights out ( date nights they are called now!) Weekends away, holidays if you can - make it happen even if you're too tired to go out or don't have the money, somehow make it happen.
But above all and listen very carefully - make the most of your children, enjoy being with them, driving them, listening to them, playing with them, watching them, that time goes so quickly, blink and it's gone - they'll grow up into very capable, caring, confident and clever adults and that's when you know you've done your job right!

So to me now I say....

Enjoy being 51, make the most of what you do now, your time, your health and you family because who knows what your life will be like in the next 10 years.

So if you could give yourself one piece of advice ten years ago, what would it be? I'd love to hear from you.

Returning to the here and now, today's OOTD.............This outfit was inspired by my Silver Heart necklace, gratefully received for Christmas from hubby after I pointed it out one Christmas Eve, he nipped out of the restaurant and bought if for me..x  Silver tarnishes really easily so haven't worn it much lately, remedy... Silver polish cloth cheap at £2.50!! Why didn't I buy one earlier??  OK matched this with grey skirt from Matalan, mustard jumper from H & M, grey/mustard scarf from Primark with my black long flat Jones boots. Great outfit styled around a beautiful necklace...

Happy Friday Ladies..Woo hoo it's nearly the weekend...X



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