Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Sunday, 26 June 2016

How I styled my Weekend!

Morning all.

How's you weekend going?
So far this week the camera has let me down and now the computer wont let me upload photos for the blog!  I'm not a very patient person either, I want everything done yesterday!  Hopefully my nephew will be able to sort this problem out for me, if not maybe a new computer is needed.

Wow problem sorted, all in good working order now - phew!  I shall still be seeking out a new camera, so would appreciate any ideas on the best options. :-)

Today after many Sundays without a roast dinner - the roast dinner of all roast dinners was cooked and presented with much love to our family members that were around, plus a very old friend, his partner and their twin boys!  Roast beef, Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes cooked in goose fat and all manor of vegetables, supported by horseradish and  plenty of red wine gravy!  Oh yummy! It was indeed worth the wait!  Pavlova or (pamalova as the kids call it) with strawberries and huge sweet blueberries scattered all over the whipped cream and creme fraiche was served for dessert with optional cream - like anyone really needed any more calories!
Nice to catch up with this old friend, re-living old stories and events from the past had the children intrigued as to what we got away with - especially dad! Lol hope they don't get any ideas!

Jean shorts (sorry you can't see the full photo - bad knees!) Flowers cotton vest top, great for a relaxing dress down Sunday attire.

Until tomorrow - have a great evening.X

                                Jacqui B.


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