Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Monday, 15 August 2016

Busy weekend.

Hello ladies, well that was a busy weekend .. phew!

Exciting watching all the medal winning at the Rio Olympics, I'm in awe of those amazing athletes, and very proud of each and every medal team GB have won!  It's really given me a push to get back to my keeping fit, and I may even go for a run this week!  I just need that kick-up-the-butt to get me out once and then hopefully it'll be easier to carry on.

Saturday you'd have found me nearly knee deep in washing, ironing and putting away - where does it all come from? 
In the afternoon I shopped for a birthday present, ran a few errands and visited my little princess.  A fairly casual outfit adorned me, by way of cropped cigarette jeans, bling sandals and my super cotton vest top - from Peacocks a few years ago I love this little piece.
The cool cotton vest has a cream background with plenty of pretty flowers of pink, blue, rust, mauve and white, along with this pretty cute necklace in similar colours I reckon it's a great pairing.  I love chillin' out in something like this, so easy to wear, looks cool and a laid back look is fabulous for a weekend in the sun.

Sunday had me and hubby operating our taxi service - unpaid I might add - dropping two of our girls and three friends to the airport for their week away, a round trip of 3 hours.  The things we do for our kids!
Returning back to a family BBQ, and a birthday celebration.
I bought this gorgeous frilly blouse in Florence and Fred  these frills on the sleeves are so 'in' now, so flattering so get out and by some frills. 
Having searched through my wardrobe to locate a white top, I concluded I don't have any.  So when I saw this in store I knew it should be in my wardrobe and that it would get plenty of use, the deal was done and now it's mine.
A reasonable £14 was paid for this item.
Do you like frills?

Had a lovely lunch time looking after my princess, I managed to get into the little den on top of the slide - don't ask me how!!! We pretend shopped, ate pretend fruit and drank pretend tea, tried a little gymnastics, her not me I add.

I'm seeing culottes everywhere,  I reckon they'll be very popular for the AW16 season, I'll be jumping on that band wagon for sure, flattering for everyone, culottes will be a wardrobe staple for definite.

I'd just like to add ..... I've been for a run, big exclamation mark!  Feel great at the moment, lets hope I feel the same tomorrow.

See you in the morning .. byeeee X

                         Jacqui B.



  1. Congrats on doing a run! Tall Brown Fox and I did a bike ride on Sunday in honour of our medal winning cycling team at Rio - ha, ha.
    Great price for that top and yes, a little frill is always fun, isn't it?

  2. Thanks Hun, glad you stopped by. I'm needing to run again, maybe tomorrow. Well done for you bike ride too. X

  3. That floral tank is so pretty! Nothing says "summer" like a lovely floral pattern! :)

    1. Thanks Jess, this vest comes out every year and It's fresh and bright every time, thanks for stopping by..x


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