Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Sunday -Family day.

Hello to you all and welcome to my blog.
Had a good evening listening to a TV programme about The Carpenters, that was a trip down memory lane for me.  Made me think about growing up at home with mum, step-dad and my older sister.  My mum loved their music and we always listened to them on a radio cassette!
"Rainy days and Mondays always get me down" wow what a tune!  Funny how music and songs take you straight back to a particular era in your life - a bit like smells, they do that too.
This I avidly watched, listened to and appreciated, hanging onto that warm, happy feeling of remembering my childhood  that seemed only yesterday!

Pulling myself back to 2016 - it's Sunday, family day and yes roast dinner day.
With nearly a full house today hubby and I are in our element.  Roast lamb, roast potatoes, all manor of veg, gravy, mint sauce and home made dessert.  Trying, for the first time a Plum Bakewell Tart, using some freshly picked plums from my mums tree.  Lets hope I do it justice. Let me know if you'd like me to add the recipe too.

Have you thought about tunic tops for transition into Autumn?  You'll either love them or hate them - I like them, they suit my figure and cover a few sins to boot!
Here's a super multi-coloured option from Apricot in stunning, rose pink, dark pink, black and white. This will look amazing over leggings, skinny black jeans or just denim.  A bargain price of £28, not a bad for something that will work well for many occasions.

Or this from Dorothy Perkins black and white printed tunic - So versatile - this can be worn over black leggings or black skinny jeans.  However on a good weather day still wearable with white skinnies!  This is in the sale now, but selling well, for only £15 I can see why.

Also spotted these in Debenhams for £15.  Loving a bit of snakeskin at the moment, and these fit the bill for a bit of casual/chic.  How do you like my choices?

How are you doing with the sales and New season choices?  I'd love to hear what you've been buying.

She's got Style

I'd love for you all to do me a big favour by popping over and visiting this new venture I'll be feature on within the next few weeks.  This week features a lovely lady called Martina.  You can see for yourself on any of the following links.  Thanks a lot. X


Bye for today - off to cook for the hundreds!  Not really only 12 today!!!

                      Jacqui B.


  1. Oh your dinner sounds lovely - hope you had fun, seems like you will! :)

    You shared some great tunics too! I'm so short I don't have many tunics, most tunics are long enough to be dresses on me, haha!

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. Oh Mica it sure was good. I wish I could wear them as a dress, would look fab with black opaque tights too. Thanks for you stopping by and your comments..x


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