Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Monday, 17 October 2016

Hello Monday - Weekend round up.

Here's what I got up to at the weekend.

A big thumbs up for the new Marks and Spencer blouse I wore out on Saturday night.
Going along with the ruffle fashion that everyone is agog about I picked this cute black blouse and took a chance on the fit and look on me.  As soon as I slipped it on (OK wriggled into it over my curlers - lol) I figured I'd selected a winner! 
Find this lovely example of fashion, class and style at M and S here.
With it's long lace sleeves, a half lace yolk with a fabulous ruffle detail, making this a real statement piece.
I don't usually like to wear all black, but felt the black lace detail over the yoke and sleeves it changed the whole look and complimented the culottes I wore with it.  Finished off the only way I could with high black strappy sandals - striking!

I have wanted some culottes for months, so glad I finally found the ones for me last week.  I've ended up with black because the blue had sold out and it was the next best colour for my wardrobe.  These are from Dorothy Perkins and you may still find some still available here for only £15!!  The fit on me is perfect and I love the length just below the knee and not too long.  I'm looking forward to styling these lots of different ways, and sharing them with you too!

Busy weekend what with being out on Saturday evening, then Sunday had a day spent with Princess.
Her mummy and daddy had decided to take themselves out for the day, so we had the pleasure of taking princess to see the animals at a local wildlife park.  We managed to miss the rain showers, which was lucky because I didn't know how to attach the rain hood!! lol.
Wildwoodtrust is set amid 40 acres of ancient woodland.
I'd wanted to visit this attraction for a while now and yesterday seemed the ideal opportunity to see the Brown Bears and other mammals, birds and reptiles housed there.
The Brown Bears in particular interested me so much because they are rescued from a sad & neglected life in Bulgaria.
Both bears being underweight and showing signs of stress with anxiety, a direct result of the treatment they had been subjected to.  The supporters and volunteers of Wildwood trust raised over £50,000 to rescue and rehabilitate both the bears.  This has proved a success and the bears are free to roam in a more pleasant home and a better suited woodland setting.
We saw other animal such as Beavers, Badgers, Otters, Bison, Red Deer, Red Fox and Red Squirrel to name a few.  We nearly managed to get all the way round with princess awake, but alas she didn't see the Reindeer - never mind she won't have to wait too long until they make their own personal appearance in there own show! (Jingle, Jingle)

Yesterday in the muddy woodland walk I opted for jeans, jumper, jacket and boots - pulled together with the obvious - a scarf ;-) 

Linking with Poshclassymom.

Will see you tomorrow, have a lovely day/evening. X

                  Jacqui B.


  1. Looks like you've picked yourself a perfect little lace workhorse, Jacqui. And the top is going to earn its keep over the coming party season, I'm sure. The culottes will look great with a polo neck too.
    Sad story about the poor bears, but a story with a happy ending thankfully

    1. I really am pleased with how this blouse looks and feels, I've also spotted similar in other colours so may have to pop back - lol. Yes I've a grey toll neck that fits the bill perfectly. x

  2. I do love that lace top---what a great find!!
    And my culottes have been my go-to lately! To me they are a little dressier than most of my other pants, yet not as dressy as a skirt!

    1. Me too, I'm really a girly girl at heart, but not always appropriate to wear it. x

  3. I love this lace!!!! GORGEOUS! Stopping by from the Confident Twosday linkup!


    1. It's a great buy and a fab find. So pleased with it. It'll get plenty of wear in the next few months! thanks for stopping over.

  4. I love the color of that top! Such a beautiful piece! The lace is so pretty and adds a feminine look!

    1. Yes it's super cute and very feminine indeed! Thanks for stopping by. x

  5. Looks like a fun day Jacqui. I too am loving the culottes. Just bought some but their near my ankles ! Just got the sewing kit out! X

    1. It sure was, Oh can't wait to see them Laurie. I bought navy pair in the sale, but the seam was crooked and they'll have to go back!x


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