This post should really have gone out over the weekend, but I seemed to be engrossed in so much other 'stuff' it got pushed to the back of the queue!
Saturday was filled with shopping for Christmas presents (I managed to purchase four great bargains!) a visit to our princess <3, accompanied my mum to a music presentation - topped off with a get-together for my nephew's birthday. All in all a busy day with a late night thrown in.
A very tired Mummab on Sunday.
No roast dinner was a blessing, so I managed to watch the last in the season Grand Prix - this had me on the edge of my seat a couple of times, however the result was really a foregone conclusion by the last few laps - Lewis won the race, but Rosburg won the championship!
After a lazy day on the sofa, I tucked into a wonderful take away curry, enjoying both that and Strictly Come Dancing. I love the glitz, glamour, dancing and entertainment of this show and I always say that in my second life I'd like to have been a professional dancer - but happy with my hourly fix once a week! Although that wont be the case this week as I had a rather unfortunate 'accident' on Sunday evening......
You see I'd been cleaning in my son's room, pulling his bed out and changing the duvet.
Having a break from this I settled down to watch my favourite telly program, then I completely forgot about it!
Some half hour or so later I realised I'd left the window open so I quickly ran to close it in the ad break - in the dark, jumping over the duvet but forgetting the bed was still pulled out, you guessed it I ran and smacked my foot full force into the edge of his bed. Ouchy wah wah indeed! I'm now the not-so-proud owner of a rather bruised foot and toe, along with a little limp! Only able to wear my Ugg boots - that'll be interesting outfit options for the next few days lol.

Do you agree with me that everyone should own a red dress?