Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Monday, 8 January 2018

I went to the Panto!

Oh no you didn't!
Oh yes I did, with my three daughters and princess. We had a wonderful girls afternoon out, great to have a little girly time!
For those who aren't familiar with the Pantomimes in the UK read on to find a little bit about our Pantomime tradition.
Okay so a Panto is a musical comedy stage production, traditionally for all the family to watch over the Christmas & New Year period.   Modern Pantomimes feature gender-crossing actors, combining topical humour with a story that's loosely based on a well know fairy tale, children and parents are encouraged to join in with singing & shouting out of phrases.  Confused?  yes lots of people are.  We had a lovely afternoon out watching Peter Pan, which was full of dancing, singing, jokes and acrobatics,  we all loved it - although princess did ask when were we going home about half way through!

Do you remember me saying I gain inspiration from my surroundings? 

The grey/citrine/teal outfit I wore back in August was influenced from a store display I spotted on a shopping spree.  At this time of the year the sky produces some amazing sunsets, with beautiful colour schemes of fiery red, bright orange, smouldering grey and moody blue I just had to try and find an outfit to emulate the stunning skies.
Here's what I found.  These grey trousers have proved they've got staying power as I've worn them numerous times with an array of colour combinations, with fabulous lemon and leopard print courts
or  mixed with pale pink.
I picked up this cute salmon pink swing tee shirt top in TK Maxx last week. Also finding this coral bag at the same time made this outfit come together a whole lot quicker.

Sad to say the colours have not come out as I expected they would, and I was SO cold taking these photos, quite frankly I couldn't wait to get back home and in the warm - so the above shot might warm me up a little but alas the outfit below definitely doesn't!  On the plus side I did have my little grandson to look after for the morning and he really does melt my heart. 💗

My previous season pink pea coat adds another depth to the outfit colour, as does my multi coloured scarf -  hand knitted by my mum, it had some of the coral pinks I needed for the look.

Trousers are old.
Pea coat old season from Matalan
Tee shirt from TK Maxx
Bag from TK Maxx
Scarf hand knitted from my mum. x

Thanks for stopping by today, hope to see you again - and I'll be so chuffed if you'd leave a comment to let me know what outfit you've created by something that's inspired you.

See you Thursday if you can make it. X

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  1. Oh sweet lady, what a gorgeous outfit, those colors are amazing as can be, matching the Rose colored sky!

    1. Oh Andrea, you're too kind, thanks so much. x

  2. Ha ha, isn't it just awful to take photos this time of year. And Gerben saying, smile, smile. Yeah yeah, I'm freezing! But the colours you're wearing are very nice! I don't know that Panto thing, but it sounds great!

    1. Yes Nancy, I hate this weather for taking photos. Let's hope the weather gets warmer very soon. x

  3. I love how you've taken the inspo from the beautiful evening sky to create a pretty outfit, which works great with your mum's handiwork. Oh yes it does! X.

    1. Thanks Mary, love getting inspiration from my surroundings - or my fellow bloggers. x

  4. I really like how your lipstick matches the warm pink of your top! The Panto sounds so fun!

  5. Love how you match the gorgeous sky! You look terrific, and now stay warm : > xo


  6. Lovely outfit Jacqui. I love this colour pink. Your jacket is beautiful :)

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays :) Hope you can join us tomorrow.

    1. Thank you Claire - will be joining you for sure. x

  7. Great colours Jacqui, they really suit you! Lovely idea to try to recapture a sunset.

  8. Such a cute scarf - how clever your mum is!! x

  9. What a great scarf... such a nice touch.

    Thank you for linking up to #fakeituntilyoumakeit!
    Fake Fabulous | Style Tips and Fun with Fashion, over 40

  10. I love the scarf, and I love where your inspiration comes from !

    1. Thanks so much Laura, very much appreciate your commenting. x

  11. Despite the fact that you are freezing, you look amazing in this wonderful color scheme. It does emulate the sky quite nicely, in my opinion. And the pantomime show sounds like a super fun time! Thanks so much for sharing and for joining my link up!


    1. Oh thanks you so much Shelbee, you are too kind. x

  12. Sounds like an interesting show Jacqui! love the inspiration for your outfit.. the pretty sky. The rose tones with grey look very pretty!
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

    1. It was Jess, traditional English Panto, Thanks for stopping by. x

  13. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.

  14. These colours look fab together Jacqui! Stunning sunset too! Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx


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