Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Vionic Sandals - comfort all day long! #chicandstylish #LINKUP

Morning, welcome to my blog today - how are all you over fifty ladies doing?

Today I'm so excited to be sharing these oh-so-comfortable espadrille sandals with you.  I was recently in contact with Vionic Shoes* and after scouring their website I settled on these darlings.  Drawn by the colour and the ankle tie ribbon.  I've heard so much about this company and wanted to find out for myself just what all the fuss was about!

Items marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments.

Quoting from Vionic shoes...
"Vionic footwear provide essential stability and addictive support.  With a contour seamlessly engineered into each shoe, sandal and slipper, VIONIC helps support natural alignment from the ground up."

My choice was based on the ankle tie & the comfortable wedge height.  I'd wanted something in this fashion for a while.  The Maris espadrille* are the most dazzling blue suede imaginable another reason to pick them.  But if you're looking for a more neutral colour option they are available in black, pewter and light tan too.

VIONIC - Style doesn't have to hurt!

Literally as soon as I put these sandals on I KNEW that all the hype was founded.  The support on my arch was amazing.  Since reaching my fifties I really struggle finding comfortable, supportive shoes.  If you're a regular reader you'll know I wear an assortment of footwear, and don't really shy away from anything in particular, although if I wear an unsupportive sandal, I tend to walk like a 90 year old the next day! 😅
So you can imagine what joy I felt when I put these on, not only that they look bloody cute as well.
I'll definitely be adding to my shoe selection from the Vionic Shoes collection!

Stopping for an ice cream on our afternoon out, but no one was there to serve us!  So I just smiled sweetly and Esther took the photo!

Here's the supportive arch sitting in just the right place.  They have been so satisfying to wear, I took them away with me recently and just couldn't stop wearing them!  The espadrilles are such a versatile shoe to wear, I paired them with a dress, for an upbeat night out in Spain, by contrast I matched them with denim shorts & sun top for an afternoon musing the little local shops.  Isn't that the best when a pair of shoes fit's the occasion perfectly?

Paired with my New look kick flare cropped white jeans and last years darling fluted sleeved floral top from Bonmarche.   Again if you've stopped by the blog before you may know I often borrow things from Esther Ruby my god-daughter/photographer - so keeping up the tradition I used her nifty basket bag, complete with stuffed lobster!  Basket bags are all the rage at the moment so I'll be having a look for another one on my up-coming holiday to Ibiza.

Want to join the #chicandstylish #LINKUP?
You're at the right place then!

Who's favourite from last week?
Well the choice was so hard with plenty of wonderful posts to chose from, but here's my pick!
I've just fallen for the whole of Nailil's outfit.  Each piece being pulled together by that amazing palm print kimono, and I'm actually drooling over those striking peep toe booties - my favourites!
Catch more over on Thirty Minus One.

Now let's start linking up.
Here are some guidelines.
Please follow your host on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram.
Link up your fashion and beauty posts below.
We all like compliments, so please leave a nice comment when visiting two or three blogs.
Also please leave a link back to Mummabstylish blog page.
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Link up all your favourite posts - other topics allowed too!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

***Late edit*** Vionic Shoes have 30% off selected styles & whilst stocks last!

Photos c/o Esther Ruby - thanks Hun. X

Great to see you today, please come back again for more of Mummabstylish.
Bye for now. X

Linking with:



  1. Jacqui! I have these too! Are we sending signals?!! Styled perfectly, they look great on xx

    1. Snap Laurie, aren't they so bloody comfortable? Many thanks for your comments. x

  2. Those are so cute! I love them!

  3. Jacqui, these shoes are so adorable! I love the pale blue color and the ankle tie. And they look so great with your cropped white pants. I love this whole look head to toe! And what a win that these super cute shoes are super comfortable and supportive, too!


    1. Many thanks Shelbeem glad you like these sandals, I've worn them again today - fabulous. x

  4. These look so stylish and comfortable Jacqui. I bet they are great to wear. What a great colour too :) Thanks for hosting.

  5. I am a huge Vionic fan! In fact I am wearing a pair in the link up. They really are so comfortable! I love your straw tote Jacqui, so cute!

    1. I'm a newbie, but hooked I have to say! thanks for leaving such great comments. x

  6. Oooh I haven't seen those on the Vionic site! Very pretty shade of blue. I'm wearing my gold Vionic wedges nonstop!

    1. Such aren't they Gail, worth searching for. Love yours too. x

  7. Oh wow! Those shoes are so cute! And their comfortable too? Win, win!

  8. I always love espadrilles for the summer, and I just had to throw my pair out because I'd worn them out!! I'll check these out!!

    1. Yes I think you should, they are brilliant, and very comfy. x

  9. What a perfect sandals. They immediately give you a summer feel don't they? Great look Jacqui!

  10. Those shoes are a perfect match for your top Jacqui- BRAVO!!!

    1. Thanks so much Joi, much appreciated you stopping by. x

  11. I love the periwinkle shade, Jacqui and the cushioning looks heavenly. i have a high arch too. Love your outfit! a favorite. those kick crop jeans and pretty top looks so fresh and perfect with the espadrilles.
    jess xx

    1. It's super isn't it! I wore them again today - love them! x

  12. They're gorgeous sandals, Jacqui! And the colour is divine. There's nothing better than finding a shoe brand that just fits perfectly and comfortably, is there?
    You look stunning <3
    Suzy xx

  13. I yearn for Vionics and I'm sure they'd do wondrous things to my pensioner feet!

    1. They are fabulous Mary, worth a look indeed. x

  14. These are some seriously cute shoes! Even better to read how comfortable they are, too. It makes no sense to me that more companies do not combine comfortable and CUTE in a shoe. Looking great, Jacqui! Your straw tote is adorable, too!

    1. They are Jennie, I'm really pleased with them, and have worn them so much since getting the, x

  15. I have really been into espadrille sandals this summer. I just love the color of these, such a pretty blue! It's great that they are so comfy, I need to check out their site!


    1. I've wanted a pair like this for ages and am so pleased I've got them. x

  16. What a beautiful blouse and I love those ankle tie espradilles! So stylish and fabulous!

  17. I think this is my favorite outfit on you so far! I love that pretty blouse and your cute wedges!

  18. Jacqui, those shoes are adorable!! I will have to check them out. They look great with your floral top and white pants. Nice look! Thanks for sponsoring the Link Up.
    xx Darlene

    1. Aren't they just! Many thanks for your comments. x

  19. Wow they look great in this light blue Jacqui. You look amazing :)
    I wish you a wonderful weekend, XO Tina

  20. I absolutely love those shoes. You styled everything perfectly!

  21. Jacqui, you made a great choice. Those espadrilles are adorable. I've had my eye on a pair of Vionic flip flops I want. I need to just order them and start enjoying them! XO

    1. Hi Lisa, I've just had a message from them and they've got 30% off selected styles at the moment - I hope that might help you. xx Thanks for joining my #chicandstylish #linkup xx

  22. Gosh I can understand why you opted for these sandals - what beauties they are! So versatile too as you say for the summer ahead and your hols too! Thanks for the link up party and have a fab week!

    Anna x

    1. They're great aren't they Anna, many thanks. x

  23. Fabulous espadrilles Jacqui! Having supportive footwear is really important, especially for us more mature ladies! I have very awkward feet now (for want of a better word!). I can't wear totally flat shoes anymore. I love your pretty top with the white jeans, and that bag is gorgeous...I love the stuffed lobster! Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

    1. Great footwear aren't they Emma, very stylish as well. x

  24. Welcome to the party of my life here you will learn everything about me. sandals

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