Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Messages in Metal - #chicandstylish #linkup

Good morning lovely fashion bloggers.
How are you all?

I'm not sure I'm liking these dark evenings, just makes me want to wrap up on the sofa, watching telly whilst eating soups and stews with hot drinks - ohhh a hot toddy - now that sounds like a plan. 😉

With Christmas looming are you having trouble finding 'the right' present for someone special?  I've found just what you might like with this cute online shop.  Messages in Metal recently contacted me to ask if I'd like to share their unusual and meaningful jewellery with you.  Loving jewellery as I do, I couldn't wait to check out their site and pick something.

Items marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments.

I have a few precious pieces of gold or silver jewellery, most have been presents from hubby or the family, and all mean so much to me.  I have a Pandora bracelet and all of the charms have been given for a reason.  Hubby has always picked gifts well, and I love each and every trinket I've received.

Messages in Metal are just that bit different from the norm, here's how in their own words.

"At Messages in Metal, we believe that being different is where it’s at! We not only provide high quality products at affordable prices but we also believe that you shouldn’t have to wait for weeks on end to receive your product. Our made in Montana jewelry is all designed, created, packaged and shipped in house which means we oversee the process from start to finish and can get your words on our jewelry out the door and on your doorstep in a matter of days."

With some 12 collections there'll be a gift idea just right for that someone special, I was musing over quite a few pieces but finally chose this one sporting my name.
My choice of the Charming necklace* is available in both silver and gold plated, as are all the collections.  Luckily for you it's been reduced to $45 (just over £35), not only that, Messages in Metal have a Buy one get one 50% off discount - just use code BOGO at checkout.

Do stop over and check out all the collections on the Messages in Metal site, there's something for everyone and I'm sure you'll find just what you're after for that someone special!
Shall we checkout who's favourite from last week's #linkup?

Last week had only 39 blog links, which wasn't as many as previously, I'm putting this down to the fact having been away I'd not planned the post in advance - thinking I'd do it upon my return.  I hadn't bargained for feeling so tired after the flight and time difference.  Not wanting to stress out about doing something last minute I left it basic, this just goes to show you get out what you put in, this goes for blogging too!
So winner is … Sasha, you can read more about her style over on her blog Sasha's Daily Style.  Wearing sandals and a skirt Sasha has me longing for hot sunny weather and even though I've just returned from Abu Dhabi it seems like ages ago!

Now let's start linking up.
Here are some guidelines.
Please follow your host on Instagram.
Link up your fashion and beauty posts below - other topics allowed too!
We all like to get compliments, so please leave a nice comment when visiting a blog or two.
Also leave a link back to a Mummabstylish blog page.
You could also share the love on social media.

Thanks to Esther Ruby for taking these photos, she puts up with me changing in the car, asking her opinion and standing in awkward poses!!
See you on Monday lovelies.
Bye for now. X



  1. That's a great necklace Jacqui! I've always loved named necklaces, they are retro-classic, I think! xx Maria

    1. So pleased with is, glad I picked this one it looks great with lots of my outfits. x

  2. I have one of these! Super cute aren't they? Good Christmas presents I think. I can't remember if I linked my post last week because of the house move? xx

    1. Thanks for stopping by, no worries Hun. I love mine, it looks really good!

  3. That's such a fun necklace and I love that cobalt colour on you! Yey for Sasha too, I had the pleasure of meeting her in person and she is lovely! :)

    Thank you for the link up!

    Hope that you are having a great week so far! It's been hot and dusty here, summer has arrived! :)

    Away From The Blue Blog | Handbag Gift Guide

    1. Thanks for stopping by Mica, kind words and I appreciate your support. x

  4. Thanks so much for choosing me, Jacqui! What a lovely surprise! I'm absolutely thrilled! :)
    Your necklace looks lovely on you. Hope you're having a great week! Thanks again, Jacqui! XXX

    1. You're welcome Sasha, thanks for joining me. Have a super week too. x

  5. I love the Messages in Metal necklaces. I have one coming but the Portuguese customs are being a real pain in the proverbial! I just hope they release it to me before I go on holiday!!
    You look gorgeous, as always, Jacqui. I do love that shade of blue on you.
    Suzy xx

    1. Very cute and stylish aren't they Suzy. Thanks for visiting today, much appreciate it. xx

  6. I think that necklace is just the most perfect thing...especially with the holidays coming up and looking for gifts!

    1. Aren't they just Jodie, I thought the same too. x

  7. These necklaces are so pretty. And your dress! Wow what a fantastic colour. I'm joining you in your own skirt!😂😂😂

    1. Thanks Nancy, I saw you wore it and I love it too. x

  8. What a fun necklace and it reminds me of some that were around when I was a kid. You look beautiful in that blue dress.

  9. Such a beautiful necklace! It would indeed make a wonderful gift! That dress is a great shade of blue! Looking fabulous, Jacqui!

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes
    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

    1. Thank you so much Andrea, kind comments for you. xx

  10. Beautiful necklace on you Jacqui! I love the name and plus ladies that got their blog on it. Mine would be too long! hehe. Love cobalt blue, such a rich and striking color on you.
    Have a great day!
    jess xx

  11. I love that nameplate necklace—it reminds me of the one Carrie wore on Sex and the City!
    Cheryl Shops |

    1. Thank you so much Cheryl, much appreciate your comments. x

  12. Your Jacqui necklace is amazing. I have a Tina necklace and I love it :)
    Thanks for link up, I come tomorrow ;)
    XOXO tina

    1. Glad you like it Tina, it is very pretty and stylish - just the right length too. x

  13. I just love monogrammed necklaces, I have way too many! I love this one on you and that stunning blue dress!


    1. So do it, thank you for visiting the blog today - hugs to you Carrie. x

  14. Love your new necklace! That dress is beautiful on you too!

  15. I don't like the early darkness either. It makes it so much more difficult to drive the country roads at night. Gorgeous dress. Love the necklace.

    1. Yes I agree, I try not to go out at night! Thanks for leaving your lovely comments. x

  16. LOVE this necklace, and you look so beautiful in royal blue!

    xx, Elise

  17. That necklace looks great with that dress!

  18. Such a cute necklace! I love this kind of personalized jewelry and enjoyed hearing more about the company. Your linkup numbers were probably down due to it being Thanksgiving last Thursday here in the states. I don't think very many of us were doing much with our blogs that day. Have a wonderful weekend, Jacqui!

    1. Thank you Jennie, much appreciate your lovely comments. xx

  19. Lovely necklace...I have it in gold with my blog name on which I'm wearing today for the Blogosphere festival 😊 It was wonderful to finally meet you and Esther on Thursday, such a fun evening!

    Emma xxx

    1. I've seen yours and love it, I hadn't thought about the blog name! Great idea. x

  20. This necklace is beautiful. I think pieces like these make a perfect holiday gift.

    Xx, Nailil

    1. I agree, I think anyone would love to receive one, and they have quite a few different styles to chose from xx

  21. Always love to hear about different jewellery brands. I'd love a necklace with my name (note to the hubster). Thanks for joining #WowOnWednesday link up. I haven't done an outfit shoot for 2 weeks - very bad - so that's why I haven't been in Chic & Stylish.

    1. No worries Gail, I know you'll stop by when you can. Many thanks and glad you like this idea. x

  22. What a lovely necklace, Jacqui. Love your dress and the colour too :)

    Thanks so much for sharing your post with us at Creative Mondays. Have a lovely Sunday and I hope you can join us tomorrow :)

    1. Glad you like it Claire, thanks for stopping by the blog my friend. x

  23. Thanks Julie, so glad you could join me today. x


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