Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Thursday, 13 December 2018

H & M Jumper from Abu Dhabi #chicandstylish #LINKUP

Morning lovelies.

Busy busy for Mummabstylish this week!
Hair appointment - to cover my grey, Christmas shopping, spin class, boring housework and a very important school Nativity play!  Rather excited to see my granddaughters first school performance.   Obviously my princess had the principle part - yes a very important ….. sheep.  Considering how shy she actually is that was quite a landmark for her and I couldn't be more proud.

Falling back on an old pair of trousers today, something floral and small.  I've been struggling with trousers in my wardrobe since losing weight with many of my lovely trews too big for me!  Not a bad thing I know, but now my choices are very limited!  So rummaging through my cupboards I found these that had been relegated to the back because the were slightly too small!  What joy to find they fit now, and dare I say are slightly too big!!  *Smug face emoji*  So what to pair with floral ankle trousers?

So …. what to wear with these flowery trews?  With a handful of choices at my disposal I opted for black, namely a jumper I bought in Abu Dhabi recently.  I like to return home with a tangible reminder of a wonderful holiday & this lucky jumper, along with a cute skirt (I'll share that in a few weeks - it's gorgeous) were my choice.  I'm not sure if you can see in these photos it has sweet little silver balls over the silky black turtle neck jumper.  It feels slinky and soft to the skin although felt quite cold so I wore a little cami top underneath.  Covered in little beads it's quite a statement piece, but a welcomed addition to an otherwise plain jumper.  Available online for just under £35.  Today I picked out cerise pink to accent the flowers.  Certainly bought a bit of colour to my day, along with the welcomed sunshine.

Another borrowed piece from my daughter, this M & S bag is right on trend - loving the darling circular handle.

With the fashion scene covered in animal print at the moment, I think my floral combination makes an acceptable change don't you think?

#Chicandstylish time, the #linkup is now live!

Do you want to know who's favourite from last week?
Camel and grey together, I fell for Cheryl's outfit big time.  What's not to like with two neutral colours blending so well, topped off with white jeans - my favourite!  Stop by for more of her looks over on Cheryl Shops, I really need to try this style for myself - one for those cold, but dry British days I think.

Now let's start linking up.
Here are some guidelines.
Please follow your host on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Link up your fashion and beauty posts below - other topics allowed too!
We all like to get compliments, so please leave a nice comment when visiting a blog or two.
Also leave a link back to Mummabstylish blog page.
You could also share the love on social media.

Appreciate your support - many thanks for stopping by today.
Catch you again the next time.
Bye. X



  1. Love this colour mix Jacqui! you look fabulous here. A busy week for us all! I'm just starting renovations on my tiny London flat! Yes I am MAD!xx

    1. Oh no! I hope the work on the flat went well. Be good to see it on the blog maybe? x

  2. Looking colourful, stylish and super-trim , Jacqui!

  3. They are such fun floral pants - what a great find in your wardrobe! I really like the pink scarf with them too :)

    Hope that your week is going well so far :) I had my last day at work today and now I'm on Christmas holidays, yey!

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. thanks for stopping by Mica, kind words I really appreciate. x

  4. Congratulations on your weight loss! It's challenging to have more limited clothing choices but exciting when you can shop your closet and find all kinds of things that you couldn't wear before! These floral pants looks beautiful for winter!

    Virginia | More to Mrs. E

    1. Many thanks, I love how it makes me feel! Nice happy tummy! x

  5. How exciting to lose a little weight and be able to wear a fabulous pair of trousers again!

  6. Jacqui, I love this floral look for winter. So bright and cheery against the black background and the bright scarf is the perfect addition! And how wonderful that your granddaughter had the very important role as a cannot possibly have a manger seen with the sheep, so definitely essential! I am sure you are very proud! So cute.


    1. Glad you do Shelbee, it works well with the bright pink scarf don't you think. x

  7. I love your floral pants and how you styled them - perfection!

  8. You bring a little sunshine in these grey days. Wonderfull colors!

  9. LOVE the pop of pink, really pretty!

  10. Oh how magical being at you grand-daughter nativity play. You look wonderful, I love this outfit on you! Have a wonderful time cheering on your darling sheep haha ;O) xx Maria

    1. It was wonderful, she was the star of the show for me. x Many thanks for stopping by Maria. x

  11. Those pants are fabulous Jacqui. That's why I love skirts when my weight is up and down...they don't have as many fit points!!

    1. They are aren't they Jodie, so glad I can get into them now. xx

  12. Looking great! And isn't it the best feeling when clothes that were slightly too tight become slightly too loose... Congratulations!!!

    Thanks for the link up! Have a wonderful weekend!

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

    1. Thank you so much Andrea. Such kind words, I really appreciate them. x

  13. HI Jacqui!
    Well, that must have made you smile, that you can wear those adorable pants. Love the print so pretty! The colors look lovely and that scarf is the perfect color to wear with black here. BTW, I played a tree in my first play.:-)
    jess xx

    1. Yep, I'm a happy bunny, just need to go through the wardrobe to see exactly what I can and can't wear now! lol x

  14. I wish all my pants were too big😉 You should wear hot pink everyday. It looks gorgeous on you!!!

    1. Oh thank you, I've got a super new cashmere jumper in hot pink, can't wait to wear it. x

  15. This outfit is so pretty on you! I love those floral pants!


  16. Such fun floral pants! I love the bold statement they make and how you have styled them for winter. Don't you just love that wonderful feeling when clothes are now falling off of you?! You look fabulous.

    1. Thanks for your lovely comments Jennie, kind words for sure. x

  17. Thank you so much for the feature, Jacqui—I'm flattered! Loving your bright pink scarf in these photos—it's such a great way to perk up your look in cold weather!
    Cheryl Shops |

    1. You're welcome, and I love your style. Just need a coat to copy the whole style - very chic. x

  18. Honey you look fabulous at the moment - spin class or dieting - it's all working! The trousers are a brilliant pep up for a winter's day too and of course black is the perfect partner for these.
    I remember when I lost weight a few years ago - that was the time I started buying from charity shops as I couldn't afford to buy a completely new wardrobe from scratch. I lost about 3 stone and went down several dress sizes so it all had to go. My shopping habits changed for the better though, as second hand can be such fun and makes your money go further too!
    Anna x

    1. Thank you, thank you so much Anna, such lovely words - really spur me on to do more. x

  19. Lucky you, finding these glamorous trousers in the first place and then finding they're a little too big! Nice problem to have.

    1. Thank you Gail, glad you could stop by, much appreciated. x

  20. Love the floral bottoms. They're perfect for this look with the black top and pink scarf.

    Xx, Nailil

  21. I love those adorable floral pants! So much fun!

  22. I love your floral pants and how you've styled them with the black jumper and gorgeous scarf, Jacqui! That colour is so pretty! Enjoy your granddaughter's play! :) XXX

    1. Sasha, thanks for stopping by - and for leaving kind comments. x

  23. You are looking fabulous Jacqui, I love that feeling when clothes fit again ...they are seldom too loose on me. And yes the floral is a welcome break...x

    1. Hilda, thank you. How lovely to leave these nice comments. x

  24. How fun are your floral pants! Love the hot pink scarf too. Great look :)

    1. Yep they are Nora, thanks for stopping by. x

  25. I love your floral trousers Jacqui, and the cerise accents look fab with them! Isn't it great when you find you can fit into clothes that were once too small? :-) Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

    1. Thank you Emma, I like these colours together. x

  26. Very busy, glad it's got slower now - hence i'm answering comments - lol. x


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