Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Chanel Style Skirt with Textured top & Ted Baker Jacket - #chicandstylish #LINKUP

Morning my fellow over fifty bloggers.
How are you all?

My holiday's starting to become a distant memory and having the internet fixed I'm back to blogging with vigour and determination.  I'm determined to go up a level in the blogging world, which means learning more, finding out more & studying more of your interesting blogs.
Yesterdays weather just wasn't what I had expected at all.  With France suffering a wicked heatwave, I really thought we'd be experiencing warmer weather here!  It was really cold with a wind blowing making it feel like a totally different season.  I decided to wear a skirt when I popped into town, but had to take a jacket with me, just to keep me warm! 

I went for a mix-up outfit, not so much by way of colours, but patterns and textures.
I opted for the chanel style knee length skirt that I picked up in the M & S Sale earlier on this year.  With a few shades in the skirt there's lots of options to style it.  Back in May I wore my pink cashmere jumper over it for a nice spring style, but always wanted to wear it with white or cream.

That's just what I put on with it yesterday.  I took some trousers back to Zara, deciding way before I got there I was going for a refund .... but.... they have a sale on and I couldn't resist the cute little pale blue knitted jumper I found - oh dear - there's just no hope it there!  Can you resist the Zara sale????

This off white sleeveless knitted top was ideal to pair with the mini skirt & with my textured Ted Baker (first seen here) jacket my interesting little number left me feeling confident and happy. 

My off-white top is a cross between a knitted jumper and a crochet tee shirt and has an intricate design over it - I love the scalloped edge on the sleeves and hem, but neglected to get photos of this, so you'll have to take my word for it.  But you can see a snippet of the jacket lining on the photo above - Ted Baker always have winning styles with sassy linings to the tailored pieces - I'm hearting 💖this.

I adore the Ted Baker jacket that hubby gave me for Christmas - so it might not be available now (this is very similar) It has stylish rose gold details, including front zip and side bows - what's not to like!

It's now time to party!
#Chicandstylish #LINKUP time.

Favourite blogger from last week is Linda - A Labour of Life wearing a darling patterned skirt topped off with awesome orange sandals - it's made me want to look for colourful footwear myself.

Now let's start linking up.
Here are some guidelines.
Please follow your host on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Link up your fashion and beauty posts below - other topics allowed.
We all like to get compliments, so please leave a nice comment when visiting a blog or two.
Also link back to Mummabstylish blog post.
You could also share the love on social media.

Thanks so much for calling by today, so love having your company.
See you all again on Monday my friends.
Bye for now. X


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  1. No,I can t resist the Zara sale either! I thought it would be really warm there too, it s very hot here. Love the skirt!

  2. You've got yourself a winner there, Jacqui! And Hubby made a smart choice with that elegant jacket.
    I love that you have new blogging goals, I hope some of your enthusiasm rubs off on me!!!
    Hugs, Mary x.

    1. Many thanks Mary, good to have all these bits in my wardrobe. x

  3. Blummin weather! Remember last year? I'm still in my winter dressing gown as I write this! Love a classic look like this Jacqui. Uber chic xx

    1. Hope it warms up soon, I'll be getting my winter wardrobe out again if not!! x

  4. I try not to go in Zara while the sale is on! Yesterday I was so cold I had to dive into the only shop in the area (Tesco) to get a cardigan! That's a cute outfit Jacqui, I would love to snaffle it for work!

    1. Lol - snap! F & F have some cute pieces, I bought a jumpsuit in there for my holiday. Hope you're well Gail.x

  5. That jacket is exceptional! So beautiful and I love the details. Love your nail color too!

    1. Arrh thanks Kellyann, kind comments. Yes my nail colour was for my holiday - not sure of the colour but love red too!

  6. Oh Jacqui, what a pretty skirt! I love the tweed and the colors. And the details on your jacket are so perfect. I also love the aviator style sunglasses on you! Sassy!


    1. Many thanks Shelbee, glad you could stop by. I love sunnies and can't get enough of them! x

  7. This is such a pretty mix of textures! I love the bow detail on the sleeves of your jacket!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by today Jill. Glad you like the look. x

  8. I can never resist a sale, Jacqui!! We would be wonderful friends to shop together!!
    I love this's so sophisticated.

    1. Oh that would be fun Jodie, such a shame we don't like nearer. x

  9. That tweed skirt is just darling. Love the jacket too.

  10. I adore this outfit, Jacqui! The skirt was a great find--I find tweed jackets age me, but a skirt might just the ticket! We've had a horrible heatwave where I live, too, ugh!

    1. That's so nice to hear Kim, thanks so much. good luck with your search. x

  11. That skirt is absolutely gorgeous! You look so chic!

    1. Many thanks Laura, kind words I really appreciate them. x

  12. Ahh the weather, always something to deal with blogging, huh? I just hate it when I sweat to death andhave to change into something else! Love the look, the jacket is adorable with the bows, I'm a fan of Ted Baker!
    jess xx

    1. Yes definitely, it's been really windy here playing havoc with photo taking! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your wonderful comments. x

  13. Such a lovely and classy look. Your skirt is all finds of fabulous!

  14. I love the details on that blazer! Very pretty! And the mix of texture is trendy and looks really good!

  15. The blazer and the skirt work perfectly together. Such a classy look.

    1. Nora, thanks for leaving lovely comments today - much appreciate them. x

  16. I love that jacket, and I keeping away from the sales (for now)!! I'd love to get a bit more of an understanding about the blogging world, good luck with your progress, I do find it quite difficult xx

    1. Michelle, thank you so much. We'll have to study together!! It's a real maze isn't it!!!

  17. While it's a shame it's colder it has created a lovely outfit - I like the navy with the colours in the skirt and it's a nice texture mix too!

    Hope that you are having a good week :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Too kind Mica, thank you. xx Have a super weekend. x

  18. Jacqui, that is a very smart outfit. Love the many colors in that skirt and you styled it perfectly. Honestly, every time I return something I end up buying and spending more than I brought back. Thinking, hmm, this would make a good post. It's hopeless, my friend! Haha!

    xx Darlene

    1. Thank you Darlene, it's nice that the skirt has so many choices. Good idea for a post, I'll wait to see what happens. xx Thank you for stopping by today. x

  19. You can always find something fabulous in the Zara sale, right? I was in there the other day but I was with hubby so couldn't have a proper look, and you need plenty of time to have a real look because they've got so much stuff! Unfortunately I left with nothing but hubby bought a pair of shoes!!! Typical!
    Suzy xx

  20. Thank you so very much for the feature, Been tough getting back to regular posting, reading and commenting, but I am on a roll. Like you I am determined to up my game this summer, If you discover any great tips and advice please share. Loving this look on you and sorry it is co chilly

  21. I really need to get back into Zara one of these days! You look elegant and ready to take on the world. Thanks so for for linking up with Red, White, Blue & YOU!


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