Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Black and White from Roman Originals - #Chicandstylish #LINKUP

Hi there my friends, how's over 50 blogging land?

How have we arrived at Thursday Already!  The days seem to be going by so quickly!  August has been a busy month for me, with plenty of birthdays, appointments and happenings filling my time.  We have a family gathering on Saturday which I'm really looking forward to, I have a couple of things to prepare and bake, but with everyone bringing something with them it makes it so much easier because it's not just down to one person to do the catering.  Fingers crossed for good weather, but I fear it may be a wet day with everyone indoors!!

Does anyone else love to have their other half pick something they like for you to wear?  I adore when I shop with my hubby and he points to a piece he likes.  We seem to have slightly different taste when it comes to what I wear but whenever I put on what he chooses I like it!  That's just what happened when we went to our local outlet just before our recent holiday to Majorca.  Hubby wanted to get some shorts from the Ralph Lauren shop and I just had to partake in a little peruse of the Roman Originals store - like you do!
I needed another one-piece to take away on my trip, so when he pointed to this black and white shirt dress I just had to try it on. Here's the exact dress if you're taken by it like me!
Roman Originals have a big collection of dresses, skirts, tops, trousers and jackets and I always find at least three of four pieces that I love.  I wouldn't say I'd pick the shirt dress immediately, but willingly tried it on to find I loved it.

A midi dress always works better for me, I have a thing about my knees so prefer to keep them covered.  This dress deserves all the attention because it ticks all the boxes - great length, cool fitting with a wide belt to cinch in the waist, big trendy buttons down the front and a neat little collar leaving a nice open neckline to show off a cute necklace - my kind of wonderful!

You really can't go wrong with red vibes for a black and white outfit so I picked red sling backs with my red clutch bag, blogging has taught me to be more adventurous, but my old three colour rule still pops it's head up every now and again to leave me feeling relaxed and confident.

This abstract dress is available in sizes 10 - 20 and is machine washable, which is a great saving, so for the £40 cost this feminine belted beauty will be a valuable & versatile addition to any wardrobe.
There are two other colourways on offer - cool khaki or stylish yellow - what's your choice?

A dear little set of beads to finalize the outfit & I'm sure a bold red bead would be just as appealing.  What colour would you style with this black & white look?

Here's a close up of the buttons that run down the front of my shirt dress, they're an interesting design - it's a cross between a circle and a triangle - different eh?

Catch My Style Here ...

Time to party - it's #chicandstylish #linkup time.

Let's see who's favourite from last week is Claire - Fashion on a Shoestring.  Claire is wearing a vintage style tea dress & doesn't it look adorable?  It reminds me of a similar skirt I wore years ago - I felt very elegant in my patterned skirt & hope I looked a million dollars in it like Claire does.

Now let's start linking up.
Here are some guidelines.
Please follow your host on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Link up your fashion and beauty posts below - other topics allowed.
We all like to get compliments, so please leave a nice comment when visiting a blog or two.
Also link back to Mummabstylish blog post.
You could also share the love on social media too.

So pleased you joined me today - be good to see you here again, let me know what you think of today's outfit - I love hearing from you.
Esther Ruby took these great shots - much love to you Hun.
Bye for now lovelies. X



  1. As you know I'm a huge Roman fan! This dress is gorgeous Jacqui and it will be wearable for years to come. xx

    1. Yes, you always look super in your dresses from Roman. Thanks for stopping by Laurie. x

  2. Always love black and white with red, great combination. Hope the weather is kind for your weekend gathering!

  3. You are definitely chic and stylish in this dress, Jacqui! And I always love splashes of red with a black and white outfit, too. So striking. You are gorgeous. But it’s time to love those knees of yours...for they carry you through this beautiful life! Appreciate and celebrate them instead of hiding them away! (Although the midi dress is super flattering and looks amazing on you!)


    1. Awe you're too kind, I have a post with piccys showing my knees! You'll then see what I mean Shelbee - ha ha. xx Thanks for leaving such lovely comments. x

  4. Many thanks for joining me today - kind words too. xx

  5. Love the bold black and white print of your dress and the red accessories!

  6. Perfect dress, your hubby has got a good taste!

  7. That is such a fabulous dress! Love the black and white print! So chic with the pops of red!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  8. What a beautiful dress! your hubby picked well and I really like the bright bag and shoes with the black and white - this dress will go with so much! :)

    Thank you for the link up!

    Hope that your week is going well! :)

    Away From Blue

  9. I love the pop of red! Such a fun way to make a outfit really stand out!

  10. Nice job hubby! My hubby is not into fashion much, but he knows my style. Love this shirt dress and its pattern is very cool and modern. Red is a fav pairing with black and white. You look great!
    jess xx

  11. What a great print! It sure is a great style on you. I think any color as an accent would work great with it!

  12. I love the red accessories with this! Fabulously chic look!

  13. That's such a striking outfit! Love it with the red x

  14. First up, I adore your outfit Jacqui. Love the black and white outfit with pops of red. Secondly, thank you so much for the feature, it means so much to me. I loved these photos and wish I had more time for fun photos like this. I am so glad you like them too :):) I really need to get more blogging organised, hopefully when the kids go back to school :):) Thanks again lovely xx

  15. Oooohhh - your hubby did a great job! Mine likes to help me sometimes with my choices too. Sometimes I think he picks out stuff that's way more old-ladyish than I feel, though :/ I love that black and white shirtdress (I've been looking for a great shirtdress) and I think I'd have gone with red accessories for it, too. Thanks so much for hosting the link-up!


  16. I'm also wearing black and white this week—great minds think alike! ;)
    Cheryl Shops |

  17. Jacqui wow you look amazing! I like you style it with red :)
    XO tina

  18. This is such a pretty dress, Jacqui! It really suits you and you look fabulous! I love the pops of red too! Thanks for the linkup. Have a wonderful weekend! XXX

  19. Love the bold statement this dress makes! The pops of red are simply perfect.

  20. Love the black and white with the red!

  21. Very chic Jacqui! I'm a big fan of black, white and red together. Sometimes I like to wear lime green accessories with black and white (although red is my favourite). Roman Originals have some lovely pieces at the moment. Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

  22. Beautiful outfit Jaqui. Thanks again for the feature lovely. Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays too :) Hope you can join us again tomorrow.


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