Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Monday, 30 September 2019

Style not Age - Autumn Floral's.

Hello there my lovely friends.
How are you all doing?
It's the last Monday of the month, so that means it's the latest installment from the Style not Age ladies.  This month's challenge fell into the hands of Anna - Anna's Island Style, she's given us an easier option than some of our previous topics ....
Autumn Floral's

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." - Albert Camus

I'm sure most of us have floral's of some description hanging in our wardrobe's and I'm no exception.  I had wanted to find a nice midi dress for the occasion, but didn't have to time to look and felt the striking Kalico skirt I'd already got would be up for the challenge, and guess what?  It was!  I wanted to keep a summery vibe with my Autumn Floral's outfit, so I teamed the pencil skirt with this off white shirt, adding in a near matching scarf. It's a perfect Autumnal outfit & I can switch it up to a warmer outfit with tights and a fitted tee shirt underneath. 

I took along a long line cardigan, but didn't actually need it when we shot these photos as it was still rather mild.  Jackets can work longevity into an outfit, and my Bonmarche orange biker jacket will work a treat over this too.

Are you a fan of white boots?  I've had these for over a year now, and they've certainly proved an invaluable addition to my collection. They just 'go' with so much and are very comfortable too.  I'm actually on the look-out for longer ivory boots, that will compliment skirts and dresses too.  Do let me know if you see any my friends. x

Shall we see how Anna and the others have done?  It seems I didn't get the memo that my friends got ... they've all gone for floral dresses and I feel somewhat left out!  I should have tried harder to find that midi dress, we could have been a striking quartet don't you think?

Anna - Anna's Island Style has chosen well and already had this beauty up her sleeve, so for her it was an easy choice.  These are the most stunning colours on you darling Anna.  Do stop over to catch all the details on Anna's blog.

Hilda - Over the Hilda.  Now another stylish dress for Autumn weather.  I love the olive green jumper under the dress, wearing something this way will also gain more wears, and we all want value for our money don't we girls?  Hop over to see more of Hilda's ensemble.

Our final look from Emma - Style Splash.  She's also wearing a midi dress, one that she's had for ages, which proves buying classic styles really do last.  Love the thick tights and and ankles boots, all topped off with that flattering black hat and feline bag - pure purrr-fection

Many thanks for stopping by today - hope we've all inspired you with our Floral prints - there's plenty in the shops so what are you waiting for.  Do let me know in the comments what you have been buying, is it something floral my friends?

Photos care of Esther Ruby - thanks lovely. x
Catch up again next month.
Bye for now. X



  1. Lovely outfits all! I like the idea of wearing a jumper under a dress!

    1. Many thanks Nancy - great to have you pop by. x

  2. I think you all look lovely! Midi, maxi whatever, florals are always a winner and you look fabulous Jacqui. I like how you have brought the dress up to date wearing ankle boots xx

    1. Thanks so much Laurie, I always love wearing florals, in any season. Love wering these boots, and they've definitely earned their keep. xx

  3. Jacqui loving the florals!
    and waving hello to all the other 'gals'
    bestest wishes
    Ashley x

    1. Thanks for stopping by Ashley love the florals - they work so well for me. x

  4. I love your skirt Jacqui! The lighter colour palette is gorgeous, and you got the sunshine for it too! I bought some white ankle boots a while back but still haven't worn them yet. Yours look fab with the skirt and white shirt!

    Emma xxx

    1. Thanks Emma, really pleased with how it turned out. Will be wearing it again for sure. xx

  5. I love this look, Jacqui. I *have* a floral skirt-ish somewhere around similar to your look. I haven't gotten on the white boots trend, yet!

    1. Thank you Kim, I would defo recommend the white boot - mine have been a real winner in my wardrobe. x

  6. Those boots were a great buy last year Jacqui. I have invested in another pair of long boots too.... beige...Loving your look.

    1. Most definitely Hilda, they've well earned their keep - hope my new snakeskin boots will be the same. Thanks for stopping by. x

  7. Hi Jacqui! I love the style of those white boots. I received a pair last year, pointed toe. I just love these bright and bold printed Fall colors and the addition of the white shirt. The scarf is lovely too and I love the mix of another pattern. Looks gorgeous!
    Happy Monday!
    jess xx

    1. They are very useful in my wardrobe, I'll look forward to seeing yours Jess. xx thanks for visiting today, much appreciated. x

  8. I think this is my favorite look I have seen with white boots! Love how you put this outfit together!

    1. Awe thanks so much Mireille - very kind comments. x

  9. Your light touch with this look is a winner in my eyes Jacqui, especially with those fab white boots. I thought the scarf and skirt were matching - how clever of you to find such a similar print!

    1. You're too kind Anna, thank you so much. It worked out well, but I much prefer you're midi dress. xx

  10. Many thanks Julie, I like the whole outfit. x

  11. Absolutely yes to the white booties! I think I have 4 different pairs that all serve a different purpose! And I am loving this bright floral for autumn. I thought the scarf came with it, the print is so very similar. I love them paired together! Such a great look. Thanks for linking up with me!


  12. Such a gorgeous dress! Perfect for fall!

  13. What a beautiful outfit! that skirt is a stunner and I was so sure this was a dress at first, the scarf matches the colour and print of the skirt so well! :)

    Hope that you had a great weekend. Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp :) I just posted this week's linkup, I'd love you to join again! :) I've got a scarf giveaway on my blog right now too!

    Away From Blue


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