Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Thursday, 6 February 2020

I Wish I Was Still Skiing in Sestriere - #Chicandstylish #LINKUP

Hi there - thanks for joining me today.
Have been into town today and seen plenty that will look better in my house than in the shops!  Bought a couple of bits and am looking forward to seeing how they fit into my collection. I have spotted a cute pair of boots from Monsoon, but wasn't happy with the only pair in my size - so will have to check on-line to see if they have any there.
What have you been buying lately?

I'm actually really pining to be back on the slopes, it seems to get worse every time I go!  It makes me so sad to wash and put everything away until next year (unless I can persuade hubby to go again 🤔).
I've been back just over a week now and even now it seems like a lifetime ago, excuse me whilst I cry into my hot chocolate - WITHOUT BRANDY - I might add!!! Lol.

The holiday started early on Sunday morning, we drove to the airport and caught the early flight to Turin.  It only took an hour and a half to get there, plus another 2 hour coach trip eventually arriving mid-afternoon.  Met by a beautiful hotel, warm bar and pleasant staff we enjoyed some drinks, cakes and cute little couple who sang and played the piano!

Once settled into the Grand Hotel Sestriere we ventured out to find our ski hire shop.  This was on the edge of the slopes about 5 minutes walk away.  Passing shops and bars along the way we checked out where we were and what we were near.  Ski hire was included in the holiday price as was the lift pass.  Once we were all sorted we enjoyed a few drinks in the bar and anticipated the fun we would have throughout the following week.  Dinner was buffet style and there was plenty of choice - pasta every night, along with salads and hot dishes with vegetables and potatoes.  There was no way I was going to be hungry for the rest of the week!

Hotel bar which was inviting and warm, with some comfy sofas round the corner.  It really was a welcoming hotel.
How stunning is his fire? Suspended over the huge staircase and throwing out warmth all around.  I was really impressed with this and wondered if it could be replicated in my house - probably not!

This is me on the right.  I'm still wearing previous season ski gear - all black which I might have to change next year.  I did brighten it up with various coloured neck gaiters, & I also bought a new pair of goggles.  They had lighter lens in them making vision so much better, I hadn't realised how bad mine were!

The runs in Italy seem to be easier than most in France and I happily sped down red runs with ease.  Completing black runs too.  After fog some of the day on Monday and Tuesday, the remainder of my stay was perfect conditions - blue skies, bright sunshine and good snow - what a great week to play in the snow.  You can imagine how nice the mountain restaurants were - the pizzas were divine, as was the pasta and I shared one or other with hubby most days, either with a beer, hot chocolate or prosecco!

One evening we went on a Ski Doo, this was so much fun.  I was on the back giggling like a school girl.  Too scared to drive myself I held on tight to hubby as we twisted and turned through the snow!

One of the little restaurants we stopped at, a drink and bite to eat along with a warm fire is all you need after a few hours in the snow.  With a tight helmet on I'm afraid the stylish Mummab was nowhere to be seen!!!

Stunning views both on the piste and on the lifts - the latter not for the faint-hearted I might add!

Our final day on the slopes ended with a slight sour taste in our mouths - we missed our last button lift and had to walk back up the mountain, nearly killed me let alone my daughter who struggles with asthma.  We eventually got off the mountain nearly an hour after the lifts closed and had to return our equipment back to the shop.  I certainly realised my fitness had improved marching through the town (uphill) to find the shop.  Once back at the hotel I appreciated the drinks I had waiting for me and the relaxing chair to chill out in before dinner.
There's was an early departure for us on Sunday morning, which meant being home at a reasonable hour - just ready to put a wash on and have take-away!
Everything is ready to put away for another year, but I might just leave mine to linger - just in-case we do manage a cheeky weekend skiing again! 😜

#Chicandstylish #LINKUP time - click the link to add your posts.

First let's see who's favourite from last week.  Amy - Amy's Creative Pursuits is styling a snappy outfit featuring grey, cream and beige in a colour block long line cardigan.  She's matched boots, bag, Tee and jeans to enhance her cardigan perfectly.

Now let's start linking up.
Here are some guidelines.
Please follow your host on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Link up your fashion and beauty posts - other topics allowed.
We all like to get compliments, so please leave a nice comment when visiting a blog or two.
Also link back to Mummabstylish blog post.
You could also share the love on social media.

Thanks so much for joining me today - good to have you here.
Looking forward to seeing what you're wearing - so please do add to the #Linkup.
Bye for now. X


  1. Oh I enjoyed your photos! Looks like a great place to be although I hate snow! Lol. But it all looks so cosy! And now you can dream of spring to come!

    1. Fabulous holiday, wish I was still there. x

  2. What a great holiday. I would love to go skiing. Great photos Jacqui :)

    1. It certainly was Claire, a distant memory! x

  3. Looking like a pro Jacqui. I'd love a go on one of those ski boo's xx

    1. Ha ha! All the gear etc! No actually I'm not too bad at all. x

  4. I love skiing so much! Your photos and blog post made me miss it even more. My son is off on Saturday back to where he learnt and where we usually go but what with uni fees and me currently with hip bursitis it hasn't happened again this year - that'll be two years missed. Love Michelle xx

    1. I wish I was still there, who knows when we will get away again. x

  5. What a fun trip! I haven't skied since before our daughter was born and miss it. Your photos are beautiful!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. Really was a fun holiday, hope you get to go again Jill. x

  6. What a wonderful getaway, Jacqui! You look so cute in all of your snow gear and that hotel bar does look so warm and inviting. I need a getaway!


    1. Yes it really was Shelbee, longing to be back there on day. x

  7. I love how you are living life to the fullest. I didn't do so well as a skier I'm afraid. But these pictures make me want to try again! ;)

    1. Absolutely Chrissy, just wish I was back there one day soon. x Go for it I say. x

  8. Your ski trip looks like heaven on earth - and brandy in hot cocoa sounds delicious!

    1. Definitely was Kellyann, fingers crossed to go again next year. x

  9. It looks so beautiful, what a fun place to visit with all that snow. The hotel looks so cosy! :)

    Thanks for the link up!

    Hope that your week is going well :)

    Away From Blue

    1. It really is an amazing holiday, can't wait to go again one day. x

  10. Oh thanks so much for the feature! I so appreciate it. I’m so terrified of skiing. I admire your bravery!

    1. Oh I love it Amy, it makes me feel alive! Many thanks for stopping by. x

  11. Such great pictures and it looks like such a fun winter vacation!
    Congrats to my long time blogging friend Amy on this week's feature!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  12. It sounds like you had a great time, Jacqui! Your photos are amazing! Good for you!


    1. Really was a fabulous holiday, really want to go again one day. x

  13. Such a fun vacation. It would be fun to go skiing without kids but no snow close by.

    1. Fun for all ages, can't wait for my grandkids to come again one day. x

  14. Your post is totally making me want to go for a skiing trip. Ahh!

    1. Arrh sorry, I wish to go again one day soon. x

  15. I can;t ski worth a darn, but I loved reading your post! What a beautiful area and the hotel is so lovely as well. Looks like you had a fab time! I would like being on the ski do- Id have my hubby drive too. I am ready for a change of environment myself!
    have a great day!
    jess xx

    1. I'm not too bad, but don't take too many chances - I feel my age sometimes. x

  16. You look like a natural on the slopes! Sounds like you had a great time.
    Cheryl Shops |

  17. Great photos Jacqui, loved the one on the skidoo, you look so cheeky and excited! Your black ski gear looks very stylish amidst all the colours.

    1. Thanks Gail, I loved it! Can't wait to be on the slopes again one day. x

  18. Looks like you had great time and hope you can do it again pretty soon

  19. Oh what a fantastic time. I always get a little sad after vacation, too. Lol. Hot chocolate without brandy and a view is not the same. LOL. You def. need to convince hubby to take you back soon!


  20. It looks lovely there - and what an amazing fireplace! Post holiday blues are dreadful, they get me every time. We always used to make sure that when we went away we had another trip booked so there was something to look forward to. It's not so easy now being tied to school term times!

    Emma xxx

    1. It's such a lovely place, I can't wait to go back there. Thanks for stopping by. x

  21. I have never been skiing before but I would love too. It looks amazing here :) Thanks so much for sharing your post with us at The Wednesday Link Up.

    1. Give it a try Claire, it's an amazing, fun and laughter filled holiday. x


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