Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Giraffe Midi Dress - #Chicandstylish #LINKUP

Hiya my lovely friends.
A very big Happy Birthday to my youngest son today.  Another lock-down birthday to celebrate.  Things are very slowly starting to unlock here, & normalcy can't come quick enough.  I'm pleased we can see more family and friends now, but still don't feel at ease with the situation.  I literally cannot wait to hug, kiss and cuddle my daughter, son, grandson and my mum.  My daughter, who's been at home shielding, can now venture out once a day and has been enjoying her freedom with excitement - she's visited us twice now & we've chatted over drinks (socially distanced) which has felt a little like old times. 
Another thing I'd really like to do is go shopping - clothes shopping.  Now I know I don't need any new bits, but everyone needs new bits don't they!  I've never been a fan of buying online.  I like to see clothes for real, touch them, hold them up to me and try before I buy.  I'm fearing more high street stores will close down as a result of Covid and the ongoing situation - some shops just won't be able to survive.  Let's hope this doesn't happen and we can get our high streets back. 🤞
Therefore with the lack of new pieces in my wardrobe here's a dress I borrowed from Emily as a possibility for my Style not Age outfit.

You might be familiar with giraffe print, another animal pattern that's high on the fashion train.  I love any of the animal prints and am always on the lookout for more.  I'm surprised I hadn't spotted this in Matalan when Emily bought it as I'm often in there!
This dress was a second option for the challenge & she suggested I keep hold of it to use for a future blog post subject to me sewing on a button and repairing a rip in it.  Well worth the deal as I love the dress.  A midi is a real gem to wear and you can't go wrong with a shirt dress either - you can see it's slightly small for me as I couldn't do the top button up.  That didn't matter as I'd worn a full slip under it and the dress looked super with the top button open.  It has a belt, I like belts.  They add definition by giving a silhouette from being cinched in.  I could have worn the dress as a long line jacket too and maybe tied the belt at the back. 

My grand-daughter picked the shoes, my Vionic snakeskin courts emulate the colours in the dress perfectly - olive green, cream and nearly black - I was looking for a cream or black sandal, but it seems my little princess knows better and is a budding fashionista in the making.

Here's the first outing for a birthday gift from a friend, it's a minx leather clutch bag in a half oval design.  Mixing in a fourth colour adds interest and depth to an outfit - I'm learning this first hand from all my blogging friends and it's exciting to find out what works and what doesn't!

It's party time!  #Chicandstylish #LINKUP is live right now and waiting for you to join.

Let's see who's most favoured from last week.  Welcome Duhamel - La Moumous who's wearing a darling blue and white maxi dress that I want, want, want!  It's just so chic, so feminine and so pretty.  Do stop by for all the details about this striking dress.

Now let's start linking up.
Here are some guidelines.
Please follow your host on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Link up your fashion and beauty posts, other topics allowed.
We all like to get compliments, so please leave a nice comment when visiting a blog or two.
Also link back to Mummabstylish blog post.
You can also share the love on social media.

Thanks for joining me today.
Looking forward to an enjoyable evening for the birthday boy!
Bye, bye for now. X


  1. We can go to cinemas and restaurants now, keeping distance of course and only with two! But whats the fun of that! I want to go out with friends and family. But we are still anxious to go out two. That s a perfect dress! It suits you very well.

    1. That sounds better, but I know what you mean it's nice to go out with a few friends at times. Thanks for joining me today. x

  2. The dress looks really lovely with the shoes and bag too, what a lovely birthday gift. I have been reading the updates about getting the shops open but I fear fitting rooms won't be open? Which means bringing home things to try on so still a faff. But it is a start I guess. I am not keen on joining queues like the ones outside Ikea. Love Michelle xx

    1. Thank you Michelle. It's going to be very strange at first, but finger crossed it changes soon. x

  3. Jacqui you look gorgeous! Happy birthday for you son 🌺
    xo Tina

    1. Thank you Tina, glad you could join me today. x

  4. Jacqui, this dress is amazing! The giraffe print is so cool and I love the colors. Your accessories are on point, too. I love that you wore snakeskin shoes with this. Brilliant combination! I am glad that you got to socialize a bit. I have been socializing with my neighbors so frequently lately that I am tired of people already! Haha. My in-laws have come to visit until next week which is nice. The kids were super excited to see their grandparents!


    1. How lovely for you, glad you got to see your family. Thanks for linking up today too. x

  5. Happy Birthday to your son! Thanks for the link up!

    1. Thanks so much, glad to have you join in. x

  6. What a lovely dress! such a nice print! We have our last iso birthday this weekend and then I think by the next one things will be more back to normal - a lot of things are reopening now which is good!

    Thanks for the link up! Hope your week is going well :)

    Away From Blue

    1. I'm hoping this will be the last one as my daughter's is in July, let's hope it will be back to some sort of normal by then. x

  7. You look so lovely in this outfit.

    1. Amy, many thanks for your sweet comment. x

  8. I am so glad you are starting to open up. It feels so great to get among people, again!!!

    1. Yes me too! It does feel better to see more friends and family. x

  9. This is a great print! I have been laying out my clothes 3 to 4 days in advance and feel like it is like shopping: creating new outfits is fun. I haven't shopped in store yet but I did buy several things online last month so it makes getting dressed more fun.

    1. That is a brilliant idea Mireille - I love the idea of this. I'm wanting to buy some more pieces now, especially if lock-down stays like this. Thanks for stopping by. x

  10. It sure is a crazy time. I agree with you I so prefer buying clothes in persona nd I am so worried about the shops not being able to re-open. So many have been so badly affected. We are slowly being given a few freedoms but I am a more at risk person so Kents doing all our grocery shopping. I am trying to make the best of life at home and embracing small victories. Stay safe

    1. Thanks for joining me today Linda, much appreciated. Stay safe and good luck with what you do. x

  11. I'm an animal print fan, too, and love this one on you! And you can't beat a shirtwaist style for versatility. I am hopeful that the shops will be able to reopen soon in my area, as buying clothes online is just not the same as a shopping trip! Thanks for hosting the linkup!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, much appreciate your comments. Glad you like the dress too, I'm not sure I want to give it back!! x

  12. OOOO I love this dress Jacqui! You know I love olive, so I love the mix of olive and white along with the detail at the waist. So pretty on you! I love that you added the animal print shoes too!

    jess xx

    1. Thanks Jess, yes these colours really suit you. Many thanks for your lovely comments. xx

  13. Loving the zebra and giraffe prints together. If you fancy a trip to London on the Clipper to do a bit of shopping, let me know :-) (Once they're open of course.....)

    1. Thanks Gail, love them too - so pleased my princess suggested it! Yes that sounds like a great idea, will look forward to when we'll be able to do this. x

  14. Your dress is so pretty! I love the print!

  15. Things are verrrrry slowly going back to normal here, although I'm working from home until September! Love your Vionic shoes!
    Cheryl Shops |

  16. Jacqui, I love that giraffe print on that dress! How fun. The pumps are perfect with it!

    xx Darlene

    1. Me too Darlene, thanks for commenting Hun. x

  17. You look spectacular in this dress! And- a very Happy Birthday to your youngest:) Please come link up to my weekly Friday LInk up party:) Thanks!

  18. We are slowly opening up here as well, but I am still pretty hesitant about going out too much. I've found that the few places I have gone to shop might be open, but not necessarily very well stocked...even Target was pretty low on stock.

    1. Thanks for leaving your loevly comments Debbie. x

  19. Beautiful dress Jacqui. Love the print. Thanks for hosting, sorry I am late to the party.

  20. That's a lovely dress Jacqui! It looks fab with the statement necklace and snake print shoes!

    Emma xxx


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