Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Monday, 23 November 2020

The Rudi Mask Collection.

Morning my friends.
Hope you are all okay.
Hello from a very quiet house today - yes my daughter and her family have moved out!  I'm not going to lie I'm looking forward to having more time to blog, but hand on my heart I loved having them here and will miss them so much.  I'm so lucky to have had them here with me when so many families couldn't hug and kiss their loved ones.  I don't think I quite realised just how hard it is for people unable to have contact with their extended family - we all thrive on human contact don't we!  
With three vaccines available in the not-so-distant-future I'm going to be first in line & pray we can get back to normal.  It's not even the holiday's, eating out or going to the pub that I'm missing (although I wouldn't say no) it's the contact with friends and family that I'm missing the most.  Will you be having the jab?  I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. X

Masks are an everyday accessory for us all now aren't they.  They come in all sorts of designs, patterns and colours.  We've started to use them as an extension to our outfits and if like me you've been trying to match them to your outfit, this post might be right up your street.

Items marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments.

They are an exclusive range of Italian, handmade masks which offer peace of mind and comfort as you go about the 'new normal' way of life.

I was recently asked to review the Rudi Mask*, they are an exclusive range of Italian, handmade masks which offer peace of mind and comfort as you go about the 'new normal' way of life.  They are engineered to be both sustainable and durable.  With masks offering added protection by having either a six or four layer filter system which means there's no need for replacement filters.  
The high quality cotton masks are fully washable and come in a wide range of patterns and colours so there's going to be one to match each of your outfits!
Whilst I'm not convinced the wearing of masks is successful we have to wear them and if that's the case we may as well have a choice so we can look great in them!

The Easy* is available in a multitude of patterns like Faces, OXOX and animal prints. They are one size and have four layers with built-in filter system.  They're on offer for £11.99!  
Now did you expect me to pick anything else as my favourite?  Leopard print first, second and third in my book! 🐆🤣

Showing The Toscana, The Easy and The Easy Floral.  Another preferred choice is The Easy Linen in a delightful soft pink.  Not pictured here because it's in my pocked and matches my pink jacket - perfect! It has the same benefits as all the others and is available in an array of shades including green, orange, cream and brown - perfect when you want the outfit to shine first! Also costing just under £12.

Buying two masks qualifies for free delivery!  But I'm positive you'll find more than two that will emulate your outfit. 😉
Here's The Toscana* which has a more classic vibe and comes in three colours: black, dark blue and white.  This is going to blend well with school uniforms and work attire.  The Toscana has 6 layer filter system and costs just under £10!

When you buy 3 masks there's an extra 10 % off please use the code ENJOY10 at the checkout. 👍

Esther Ruby kindly took today's photos and I'm so grateful for her help and support.
Hope you'll join the #Chicandstylish #LINKUP on Thursday.
Catch you then my friends.
Bye. X


  1. My husband I were lucky that my mom sewed a few masks for us. I’d like to make a few more for better accessorizing. Your leopard mask looks great! As for the vaccine, I will absolutely be having it when it’s available.


    1. I'm really impressed with them and it's nice to have choices. I have one for most outfits now! Thanks for stopping by Michelle. x

  2. Thank you for sharing these beautiful small pieces! They are very important to all of us, especially at that time!
    The New Wallet

  3. Thanks for sharing this lovely mask collection!

  4. They look like cute masks! :) it's nice you got so many to try! I bought a few masks when things were starting, just in case, and I wear them in the big shopping centres, especially now they are so crowded! I've found ones with adjustable straps work best for me and luckily now that things are so safe in most of Australia you can get them on sale - I bought a few more just in case things flare up again before a vaccine, you never know!

    Thanks so much for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup!

    Hope that you had a wonderful weekend! We put all our Christmas decorations up :)

    Away From The Blue | Handbag Gift Guide

    1. Really happy with these masks, if we have to wear them - these are the ones. x

  5. I love that these masks are sustainable. I have been wondering since the beginning of this mask business how much pollution will result when we no longer need the masks. And you are right, if you have to wear them, might as well wear a cute one! I feel like my opinion will be very unpopular, but I will not be getting the vaccine any time soon. I have so little trust in the government, in doctors, and in pharmaceutical companies that I don't think I would even consider the vaccine until there is 10 years of history regarding it. Unless it is mandated and I have no choice. Then I guess I would have to consider the consequences of refusal before deciding! Thanks for linking with me!


    1. Yes they are great. I'm really impressed with them, and I've got one for lots of different outfits. x


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