Hope you've had a nice week and better weekend.
Don't the weeks just fly by now?
I'm on the run down for my holiday to The French Alps. I'm off for a weeks skiing on Saturday, I'm going to Les Arcs and literally can't wait. Let's hope my knees don't play me up. I've been at the gym trying to strengthen them so I'm sure anything I've done will help. I'm going to get everything sorted early this week so there's no rush on Friday, I don't need anything new as I've got plenty already. I'll run my salopettes and jacket through the wash and add a sachet of protector into it, I don't want to get wet whilst I'm on the slopes! Are you a fan of skiing? I simply love going and am usually last in, I wonder if that will still be the same this year!
So today it's the last Monday of the month, and the first of the year which can only mean a new installment from the ladies from the Style Not Age collective. If you've never heard of us before, myself and four friends come together and share our interpretation from a prompt set by one of us, this month Hilda - Over The Hilda set the task. It's perfect for the new month, do let us know what you think of our looks based on our title ....
January Blues.