Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Monday, 27 February 2023

Style Not Age have it Buttoned Up!

Morning my friends.
How are you?

Another weekend that flew by.  Out dancing on Friday night and we finished learning the Quickstep.  It was very fast too and I'm pleased I managed to get all the steps in the right order at the right time - phew!  I'm going to invest in some new dancing shoes in the next week or so, as the pair I've got were quite a cheap and aren't offering any kind of support around my foot, then I'm suffering with sore feet in the following days. 

Saturday evening I went out to a friends house.  David and I went for dinner with some other friends and it was good to catch up and chat over home cooked burgers and a few glasses of fizz.  I have to say Sunday was slow, even after a lay-in I felt quite jaded and welcomed the fact that I'd already finished the bulk of today's blog post.  
I hope you had a fun weekend and enjoyed some nice weather wherever you are in the world.  I've been thinking about spring styles and have a couple of new pieces to share with you soon. Sad to say I've not been in town so haven't seen any new styles 'up close and personal', but I'm planning on a trip soon and hope the stores will be bursting with new ideas, colours and fashions - have you bought anything new recently?

Today, being the last Monday of the month welcome's the Style Not Age collective.  In case you don't know what we're all about, me and four friends tackle a prompt set by one of us each month and produce unique looks promoting our own individual flair & style.

This month our instigator was Gail, she picked Buttoned Up & I have to admit it had me stumped!
I didn't get this one under my belt until late last week when I finally decided on these cotton trousers!


Thursday, 23 February 2023

My New Jogger Set - #Chicandstylish #LINKUP

Hello how are you?
Hope you're doing okay.

I'm a very happy Mummabstylish because my new build is underway and starting to look like a house.
The builders have gotten us to first floor level and the next step of steels and floor joists is in the lap of my hubby David.  He's a very talented man and can turn his hand to lots of things.  We've built our own house before and he's also helped build many homes under the help & guidance of a good friend. It's exciting for him to project build our own property and what he doesn't know he finds out and usually ends up doing it very well.  
If you'd like to see the progress so far do follow along on my other IG account purely for the new build in our garden.   I hope you'll agree my enthusiasm is founded!

I've hardly bought any new clothes recently, have you? I've been waiting for the Spring styles to arrive.  I'm excited to see what's going to be included and have yet to see what's creeping into the shops and haven't actually seen anything online either.  Do tell if you've got anything new yet! 
I have, however, bought myself a lovely trouser suit.  It's actually beige!  I know, I know I should be steering away from shades like this, as I don't want to become invisible.  I do have big plans for it though.  I fancy styling it with bright bold accessories like orange or green and have some stunning additions to style it with already.  Do watch out for this one, I'm sure it's going to be a winner.  Until I share it, do let me show off a wonderful jog suit I bought recently, it's from H & M as well!


Monday, 20 February 2023

Pearl Embellished Jeans with Pearl Patent Slingbacks.

Morning my friends.
How are doing?

Blimey, I'm shocked to find I'm typing on Sunday evening, do tell me where the time goes!  
I didn't have anything planned until I put these looks together last week and you may have seen one very similar on Instagram recently. 

It's all based around pearls.  I was recently offered to choose a couple of pieces from Tilletts Clothing.  They're an independent family owned business providing quality fashion pieces at affordable prices and I for one am very impressed with what they have on offer.  They focus on 'one size' garments designed for all ages.  I'm so pleased to be sharing these pearl embellished jeans with you today, do let me know what you think of this elegant pair. 

Items marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments.


Thursday, 16 February 2023

Ski Trip to Les Arcs - #Chicandstylish #LINKUP

Hi there,
Thanks for joining me today and big apologies for no post on Monday.
I hold my hands up to just being lazy and not getting back into it after returning from skiing.

Skiing, as I imagined, came and went so quickly - I blinked and was back home again with all the washing to contend with.  That's the worst thing about going away isn't it, coming home to all the laundry!  Read on to find out all about my week in The Alps, it might even tempt you to go!

Silver lining to returning from my trip was the arrival of the brick layers who started on our new build.
For those of you who don't know, David and I bought the property we live in to knock it down and re build two new houses on the plot - it's huge and you might have often read about me moaning that there's so much grass to cut!  So the second house is started and you can see some piccys on my IG account Mummabbuilds.  Our new house will be started when this one is finished, but I don't know when that will be! Ha ha. 


Thursday, 9 February 2023

Grey Trousers with a Bold Top- #Chicandstylish #LINKUP

Hello and welcome to Mummabstylish.
How's you week going?
I'm still on the slopes and I hope you might have seen what I've been up to on my IG account.

I'm planning a dedicated blog post all about my skiing adventure, so do watch out for it.  

Today I'm sharing an outfit shopped from my wardrobe, there's nothing new here, but I hope you like it.
It's based around this striking jumper the children bought one Christmas.  I think it's pairs very nicely with my grey trousers, what do you think?


Monday, 6 February 2023

January Review

Welcome everyone, it's lovely to have you here.
Is your month going to plan, what are you up to?

I'm in Les Arcs in the French Alps skiing at the moment, so I'm hoping this post actually publishes!

As it's the first Monday of the month It's time to share what I wore last month, so without any further ado let's get the ball rolling and start my January Review.

I started the month off with a super duper patterned dress that really filled me with happiness and thoughts of Spring.  This will be one to turn to quite often when the weather improves, it's just one of those dresses that ticks all my boxes.


Thursday, 2 February 2023

Leopard Print Shirt Dress - #Chicandstylish #LINKUP

Hi there,
Hope you're okay.
I'm getting very excited as I'm off skiing on Saturday!

Everything should be ready to go now, I generally only pack jeans with a few nice shirts or jumpers for the evening, so no worrying on the 'what to pack' front.  I have bought a new tracksuit from H & M though, I usually wear trackies in the morning down to breakfast and then sometimes I'll change into one before getting ready for dinner.  That is if I have the energy to change when I get in from a day's skiing ... lol!

I'm sharing this superb dress with you today although it won't be packed for my trip,  I think it's so nice I figured you'd like to see it too.  It's a leopard print shirt dress - both of these I can't resist and when I found it in the M & S sale early last month (it was reduced to £18) I knew it would be mine.

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