How are you?
I’ve had a super chilled weekend which started Friday night with no dancing but an overnight stay from Max. I have to say I was rather worried he wouldn’t settle with me as he’s definitely a grandad’s boy with me not getting a look in! He even dismisses me with a hand most of the time. Anyway to my surprise he was brilliant and we had a lovely couple of hours when grandad went to the pub. I gave him dinner and watched Monsters Inc! My giving him some sweets and chocolate backfired a bit because he then didn’t want to sleep when we did - he was blowing raspberries and jumping on the bed when we tried to get him to sleep!! Yeah I know! 😱
He eventually went off for the night and was transferred to the other bed when his mum got in from the concert … McFly at Dreamland! She’d decided to stay to make it easier for me. She needn’t have worried because he didn’t stir all night! It was great to have them both and has given me a taster because when their bungalow is being extended they’ll be staying with me again … can’t wait!
Saturday we actually went out! Yeah I know get us! We’d been invited for birthday drinks with my brother-in-law at his local and it made a really nice change to get out and relax in good company. We came home, a bit worse for wear and made short work of the curry my daughter had ordered. My philosophy of drinking water in-between drinks worked a treat and I woke up feeling fine!
With the weather being awful on Sunday, rain definitely stopped a BBQ day so we decided on a roast and popped to the supermarket for a joint of beef which we had with Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes and veg. It made a nice change and was devoured by all who came!
Do tell what your weened comprised of and I’ll end my weekend diary with what I wore to the pub on a very hot Saturday afternoon!
Items marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments
As the weather was hot I decided to wear this little cropped top, it's not something I'd usually wear unless it's on holidays or afternoons in the garden, but worn with these high waist'd trousers they work a dream and make them suitable for going out in!
My trousers are the most perfect style to wear for Summer, wide leg palazzo styles are my favourite, and I've donned them a few times already since I got them. Such an easy style to work with and white goes with everything doesn't it! They've got a half elasticated waist with pleats at the front. Just the right length for both heels and flats, so I've worn them with both already, along with trainers - have a look here when I teamed them with green.
Final additions for my pink and white dream were this cute Messenger bag* I'd been kindly gifted from Tilletts Clothing. It's got an adjustable strap and is the perfect size to pop a phone, lipstick and other essentials in it and does up with a stable Postmans Lock. If you're not a fan of bright pink (my absolute favourite) there's 6 alternatives to choose from and with a price of £22 I'd understand if you wanted more than one!
Shop My Look!
Today I'm joining Marsha - Marsha in the Middle for her 10 on the 10th!
These questions have got me thinking, so I thought it would be fun to share the answers with you.
- I'd definitely be awake to see the sunset! I'm not a morning person and love to lay in bed when I can. I don't do it often but at the weekend I can quite easily sleep in till gone 9!
- Flip flops for sure for that means it's Summer time or I'm on holiday. Trainers are mostly for the gym and although I like going, it's not something I want to do all the time .. lol
- Ha ha, a tutu to the beach. I like to look good there and don't often go to the pool and my hair is always a mess when I swim!
- Ohh that's a hard one. I'm thinking pudding on a slip and slide, I can eat it on the way!
- Hmmm, let's see. Years ago I would have said a boat because I always wanted to go on cruises, but as I got older the idea doesn't sit well with me. So I'd have to say live in a tree house, the views and wildlife would be stunning.
- 100% in a camper. I really like the idea of travelling in one of these and have plans to do a trip around Europe - David doesn't know that yet .. lol. I think there'd be a few more home comforts in a camper van than there would be in a yurt.
- Bare foot in the sand would mean I'd be holiday so that's the only answer for me. Nothing better than feeling the sand beneath your feet and between your toes (but not in your sandwiches - he he).
- Well I'd have to say water skiing. The one and only time I've ever done it was quite a success. I manged to get up first time and loved that free feeling. Not sure I'd be able to do it now though.
- Ketchup! I'd have something to dip my chips in. I'm sure they'd both be sticky, but watermelon juice would be very messy I think.
- To be honest neither appeal to me, I'm a bit of a scaredy-cat when it comes to anything like this so can't really call it, but if I have to I think the tranquillity of a hot air balloon might tip it for me. I remember seeing loads in the distance on a walk to the area we live in now, it was dreamy and romantic.
What funny questions, do join in and let me know what you'd say too. It's nice to find out a bit more about someone isn't it.
Have a fun few days and I'll see you on Thursday for the #linkup
Bye for now. X

It’s always fun having one of the grands stay over. Ours are all older now so they don’t stay as often! Love that hot pink on you!!
ReplyDeleteI’m so glad you played along with 10 on the 10th! I would love to travel all over Europe in a camper so if David doesn’t want to, I know a certain Yank who’d definitely go!