Hi there.
Do you recognise me?
Well I’m another year older having just my big birthday.
I was 60 last Wednesday and didn’t want to reach this one at all. I’ve had a busy few days resulting in no blog post on Thursday. I thought I’d post the linkup today instead which will run to through to Thursday when there’ll be another one!
Back to the 60 thing, I now have to tick the next box don’t I! I certainly feel a lot older than when I reached 50! The body really does give out tel-tail signs doesn’t it. My knees have aged noticeably, they ache most days and I have to push myself really hard to go to the gym nowadays, I could easily give it up but know they’ll ache even more and most probably sieze up! Most of my joints ache daily, the annoying ones are in my hands, I like to ease them in hot water - do you have any tips or tricks to stave the progression of arthritis? Anyway enough of the moaning it’s time to talk birthdays.
So I’ve just looked back to check and realised I didn’t tell you about David’s birthday present. I’ve booked for us to return to Sicily for a long weekend. You can read about our little trip to Godfather land in 2022 here. I couldn’t think of anything he wanted or needed and felt a trip away just the two of us would be perfect - it’s good to escape normality and have a nice relaxing break isn’t it. Well I’d got it all planned for his birthday morning. He actually needed some aftershave so I bought a new bottle of his favourite Hugo Boss and carefully replaced the new bottle for an old one! I wrapped a note inside carefully replacing the packaging so it looked like it hadn’t been touched! On the note I’d printed this.
Happy 60th birthday.You can replace this empty bottle of aftershave with a new one at the airport when we go away to Sicily!Love Jacqui.
Imagine my surprise when he threw his hands in the air and said “Well that’s messed up my plans, I was going to give you the same gift on your birthday.” We had the same idea! Just shows how alike we’ve grown. So we’ve decided on adding an extra couple of days to our trip which will be heavenly. I’m so excited to travel back to this little Sicilian village high up in the mountains. 🖤
So fast forward to the night time when all the children were at ours for the birthday celebrations. Our turn to receive their present. We both had a parcel to open. In mine a ten euro note and in his a bottle of Portuguese rose and a letter. They had booked for us to have a long weekend in Porto! I’m also excited for this one as I’ve not been to Portugal and have always wanted to visit this interesting place, but the funny bit was that they too were going to send us to Sicily, but with both David and I sharing our intended idea with them in secret, which they couldn’t divulge to either of us, had to change to a different destination! Great minds think alike eh! lol!
Let’s get thinking of holiday attire, do you like my new sandals?
With hot sunny weather on Monday I popped this pretty dress on. It’s a faux wrap style and is a dream to wear. It’s all fixed with a side zip and tie detail on the side. It’s got a fancy frill down the front and around the hem line making this midi nice and swishy and one I’ll be putting on for my ballroom dance class as it’ll float and sway beautifully, it’s a great way to feel like a proper dancer!
The rose gold mock croc mules work nicely with this summery dress and because they’re shiny add a bit of extra pizazz. I was kindly gifted these from the big selection on the Lotus Shoes website and have been delighted to work with them a number of times over the past years.
Oh and the soft touch insole is dreamy to wear, it literally feels like cotton wool!
Time for the Linkip party, it’s Chicandstylish time.
Well done goes to … Claire - Claire Justine oxox
Her Miss Piggy Tee shirt looks fun on, do head over to her blog to find out all the details.
Now let's start linking up.
Here are some guidelines.
Link up your fashion and beauty posts, other topics allowed.
We all like to get compliments, so please leave a nice comment when visiting a blog or two.
Please link back to Mummabstylish blog post.
You can also share the love on social media.
So pleased you could join me today, have you started wearing your Summer gear and what new sandals have you got? Hope I haven’t got you in a muddle with swapping the linkup around. Until next time.
Cheerio. X

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