Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Monday 10 June 2024

Styling my Lilac Sandals.

Hello and thanks for stopping by today. 
How’s your week going?

All good here in Majorca, with mostly sunny weather, plenty of food choice and an array of cocktails and drinks. My go-to this week has been Pina Colada, in the day and cava in the evenings, I never feel drinks abroad have the same effect and have felt fine on what could be described as a on excessive amount (don’t judge me I’m on my holiday).😂
I’ve taken some lovely dresses and a couple of co-ords away with me - along with this striking jumpsuit, although I’m playing this one by ear as I feel it’ll be a bit too hot to wear. 

I’ve been saving this dress specifically for my holiday and found it on Vinted as I wanted a lilac dress to team with these sandals. 

Items marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments. 

Do you have any colours that you feel don’t suit you or you steer clear of? I wouldn’t necessarily say I dislike lilac or purple but rarely see anything I really like in these shades. I tend to veer today’s bolder more vibrant colours like bright pink and red or blue, however seeing how nice this dress and sandals look on, I’m going to try and incorporate more into my wardrobe, particularly in the summer months when a tan on my skin will set the right tone. 

A cool strappy dress is a nice go-to for holiday dressing. I don’t know about you but when I’m away I’m just hot all the time! So wearing something like this is a must. I have to say my choices this year have been a bit all over the show and the jumpsuit (I mentioned above) I’ve bought might be a non-starter, we shall have to see! This is an old season midi which has extra fabric around the bottom which creates a wonderful swish and is the most flattering style for an elegant finish. 

But let’s not get away from the fact of how nice these sandals are! The Fiorella * is such a dainty little pair of shoes and boasts an angular heel which is a handy height for looking chic and elegant but still having comfort. The straps can be adjusted around the ankle and the two that cross on the front are both pretty and serviceable. Priced at just under £70 these beauties, which are available in other colours are a must for fashionistas for the Summer!

I’m considering adding the matching bag - called Clarinda which I’m lucky to have in the stunning shade of blue. It’s made from the softest suede and looks far more luxurious than the £80 price tag suggests! Do hope you’ll take a look at the Lotus Shoes website and if you subscribe you can take advantage of 10% off your first order!

Thanks so much for being here with me, I really do applaud your support. 
Have a super week and I’ll be back on Thursday for the linkup. 
Cheerio my friends. X


1 comment

  1. That is a beautiful dress, Jacqui! And, those sandals are just gorgeous! I hope you're having a wonderful time!


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