Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Thursday 4 July 2024

Lunch in the Hotel Continental - Chic & Stylish Linkup

Good morning my friends. 
All okay?

It’s been a busy week I’ve been out with friends twice!
On Tuesday I met a friend for lunch and we had lots to chat about as I’d not seen her since March! We went somewhere different and enjoyed some yummy food and a cheeky glass in a local venue the Hotel Continental. The weather was pants with wind and rain more in keeping with Autumn! Are we ever going to have nice weather to stay? 
I devoured a prawn and Marie Rose baguette along with salad and chips (nice thin chips that were extremely crunchy with a perfect amount of salt) and yes I ate it all! I did wear rather an inappropriate outfit though, my flip flops and white trousers were very much out of place and I should really have opted for boots and jeans with a rain coat to top it off! (It was pouring)
Wednesday I went with three friends for afternoon tea, we went to Hempstead House which is about 1/2 hour drive from me. The venue was stunning, very chintzy with swags and tails and chandeliers.  We were the only customers so very much had the room to ourselves. It was good to chat and put the world to rights over a tasty Afternoon Tea along with a big pot of tea each! It was for my friend’s 60th birthday, so it was lovely to elongate the celebrations as her birthday was earlier on in the year. 

I’m afraid I didn’t get a full length photo of what I wore for lunch, but here’s the bright yellow top that complimented my white trousers. 


Monday 1 July 2024

June Review

Hi there, how are you?
Hope your weekend went well, did you do anything exciting?
Just a stay-at-home weekend for me. I spent the whole of Saturday in the garden trimming the hedge, it’s still a mammoth job and boy did I ache after stopping late afternoon, (with still more to do) but I’m impressed with what I’d got done! 
On Sunday, typically UK weather and it rained all day, bit of a godsend really as I didn’t fancy more trimming so will save that for one day in the week when I’m more rested!
I cooked a Spanish chicken with roast potatoes, coleslaw, asparagus, salad and corn on the cob. Which, I must say, was very tasty, it’s nice to have a slightly different dinner once in a while, I’d hate to say I was bored with a traditional roast. I’ve got a busy week as I’m out to lunch with a friend Tuesday and have a birthday Afternoon Tea with some other friends on Wednesday. Praying it’s going to be nice weather for both, it’s not nice walking out in the rain is it!

They had a lemon theme this season and I’m sure you’ll find many styles you love as do I. 

June Review.

For the first post in June I was delighted to feature some pieces from the stunning new collection from Bonmarche. They had a lemon theme this season and I’m sure you’ll find many styles you love as did I. 

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