How are you?
Hasn’t the weather been glorious. Well it has here in the UK and I’m hoping you’re all enjoying some good weather wherever you are based.
In the garden again over the weekend and it was delightful. I managed to cut the grass and collect it all rather than leaving it like I did in the first two cuts. It made it quite hard work really and I made endless trips to & from the bin and skip to dispose of the cuttings, I’m pleased to announce I did over 13,000 steps on Saturday!! The drive is very clear now and David hired a small machine to dig out the roots of the hedge we cut down previously. It’s all looking amazing now, so I just need the new house build to start and I’ll be made up!
If you follow my blog you’ll possibly remember I have a stint of birthdays coming up and two started over this weekend - well Saturday and today for two of my granddaughters. We had a gathering for Kimberley which was nice, I had a couple of glasses of fizz and then retired home for a takeaway. Sunday was a bit easier with no garden work for me, I just caught up on the washing front. Anyone else clear the washing bins only to find them full again the minute I turn around? Frustrating isn’t it!
So back to today, birthday celebrations tonight for Autumn and I’ve arranged a lovely treat for her to have her nails painted and have a mini facial in a local salon. I’m so excited for her as I know she’ll love it, we’ll follow that with a visit to McDonald’s - wondering if they have anything Keto friendly? 😂
Sharing a Spring look with you today and I’ve a nice little hack that I know you’ll all love.
Items marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments.
Now did you know that powder pink is fashionable this season? Yes and I’m thrilled as I love pink. Any shade and you’ve got my attention. This little beauty came from
New Look a couple of years ago and the fluted hem and sleeve detail is so feminine. It’s got a ribbed effect and it stretchy so fits nicely and is very flattering. Find this one that’s really pretty from Mango here.
It’s got a round neck that’s suits a necklace or scarf but what about trying both?
Start by tying a loose knot in the scarf and run the necklace through it. Fasten as usual and then tie the scarf in a bow, it’s as easy as that! It’s a good way to embrace both items and is a cute way to wear a scarf and looks fabulous.
Now did you know that powder pink is fashionable this season?
Check list for the new season:
Dark Wash Jeans.
Powder Pink Items.
So nice to have you here with me today. Catch you on Thursday for the linkup.
Bye for now. X

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